Have you been wrecked this week?

Last week, I mentioned a new project that I helped launch late January of this year: Wrecked for the Ordinary. This online magazine was initially a place to share stories from the World Race, but it has grown into a forum for Jesus-followers in the West and all over the world to voice their discontent with the status quo and re-imagine culture.
Each week, this random group of college students, missionaries, and average Joe’s tell stories of what they are doing to try to change the world – to live out the gospel in their own spheres of influence. I love the following story by World Racer Annie Bower who is serving in Africa and having her comfort wrecked by orphans:
Last night, the temperature dropped and I was barely warm enough in my sleeping bag, liner, and tent. As we ate breakfast, we complained about the cool temperatures…
We pulled up to the “orphanage” that consisted of a piece of land with Unicef tarps creating a make-shift tent. The orphans were standing in two straight lines singing a local favorite song, “We are Happy to Be Together,” but instead of singing “we,” they were singing, “You are Happy to Be Together.” We got the privilege of passing out the straw sleeping mats and towels to each child.
Some of the children gave huge smiles and thanks, while others would not even look up. There were not enough blankets to go around, but we placed the pile that we did have in the center with a big box of clothes.
At this point, I asked what the children had been sleeping on before we brought the supplies. Jaco informed us that they usually just sleep on the dirt under the tarp. He said he woke up three times last night due to the cold and thought of the orphans sleeping on the dirt in a T-shirts and shorts. That is why he decided to take action today. I can’t imagine how they would be able to sleep in such cold.
Finish reading the article here
, and check out the rest of the site.
Let me what you think. It’s a new project, and I would appreciate your feedback!
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I love the new project. What’s happening in these young people brings me to tears and stirs prayers in me in how to be a more active part.
You know… You write great blogs, but you totally left out the best part of her story!!! You guys gotta go read the rest!!!!