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Challenge is hard, but it’s necessary if life change is to occur. We walk around stuck in our ruts because either nobody has cared enough to challenge us to change or because we didn’t trust those who challenged us. With arms crossed and defense mechanisms on high alert, we dismiss the challeng…
By Seth Barnes
Challenge is hard, but it’s necessary if life change is to occur. We walk around stuck in our ruts because either nobody has cared enough to challenge us to change or because we didn’t trust those who challenged us. With arms crossed and defense mechanisms on high alert, we dismiss the challenge. Unconvinced of the need to change or that the change being recommended is right, we say “NO.”
I love helping young people realize their true identity, but unless they’ve got a “yes” in their heart, I’m wasting my time. 

For example, I may notice that one of the guys I’m coaching is a poor listener. Instead of acknowledging a question, he deflects it with sarcasm. Perhaps I detect fear of intimacy beneath the surface. And I discern that behind that may lay a fear of rejection. Unless we probe these issues, the young man may be perpetually stuck – unable to progress. He may go for years trapped in patterns of superficiality.

I may be wrong in what I perceive, but if I’m right, it’s crucial that the young man I’m coaching respond in the right way. He needs to respond with a “yes” in his spirit if he is to grow and move to another level.

That’s why I ask our leaders and coaches to probe the condition of their team members’ hearts. Are they ready to get over themselves? Are they prepared to face into the pain that changing will require? Have they pre-determined to respond to God with a “yes” in their spirit?

Life change only happens as the status quo is challenged, so it’s important that we think about our response to challenge in advance. That’s why I love AIM’s discipleship programs – we want to help young people grow. We work hard to help them face the areas where others have hurt them or let them down and the broken behavior that has resulted. They will never be effective ministers on our trips until they’ve dealt with their own junk. They can go and have a good time, but they need to experience healing before they can help heal.
Too many of us are cruising through life shut down to the pain in our lives. God wants to heal us up, but to do so, he needs to know we’ve got a “yes” in our spirit.

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