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Receive updates on the latest posts as Seth Barnes covers many topics like spiritual formation, what if means to be a christian, how to pray, and more. Radical Living blog is all about a call to excellence in ministry, church, and leadership -as the hands and feet of Jesus.
Way to go Stephanie! I like it and would like to see this developed. This has a good fresh, real, spontaneous feel. Stephanie, you are my hero kid! Oh, if I were just 25 again… how I would be on the race with you!
Now, go and run… Bless you REAL GOOD!
We serve an awesome God! Thank you Seth and thank you Stephanie for sharing this and I also would love to see this developed!
great b-roll! nicely done.
I think it’s a great idea to develop a place where these stories can be told. It would be an inspiration for those who are considering going on the race. I also loved your Home for Hope video in which you described the healing of about 30 people. I never knew that ordinary people could actually heal others. By posting these blogs, you are demonstrating that this can be done. Keep up the good work. Nancy