Help clean up after hurricane Ike!

I just got this report from Athol Barnes, an AIM staff member:
The damage is very similar to Katrina and the New Orleans Gulf coast area. We went through houses and neighborhoods today that had 4 to 5 feet of water in them. There will be hundreds, if not thousands, of homes that need g…
By Seth Barnes
I just got this report from Athol Barnes, an AIM staff member:

The pictures could have been taken anywhere in the Holly grove area of New Orleans, but they were in Galveston. Bolivar, an area outside Houston was almost completely destroyed. And it was a very poor area.
The immediate need is for volunteers, yesterday. We are proposing to have volunteers come to Houston and stay with our partner church. We will have a volunteer coordinator in place to facilitate the work crews and make sure their food and lodging are taken care of. We will charge them $30 per day that will include, a place to sleep, three meals, a coordinator, nonspecialized tools (they might want to bring chain saws etc).
Lodging might be varied including trailers, dorm style in a hall, or large tents. Cots will be provided.
The volunteers will do:
- Gutting and demolition
- Food distribution and ministering to those affected by the storm
- General contractors
- Yard clean up
- Roofers
- Prayer walking and evangelism
Postscript: Kim Daniels, a World Racer ministering to the sex trade in Thailand is from Houston and wrote in the comment section below. She notes that “the damage is ridiculous.” We who follow Jesus need to find more ways to give and bring hope. Here is an obvious way. Will you help? Call 800-881-2461
(ext. 212) or email us and I’ll get you more info.
(ext. 212) or email us and I’ll get you more info.
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Seth, I wish I could go and help. I am out of work right now, as Ike decided to come to KY and devistate our work environment. I am busy there everyday cleaning, raking, and carrying limbs until our electric is back on (at least another week). Though our damage cannot compare, it is still a disaster!
I have, though, posted this on my facebook in efforts to get the word out! I am also dedicating time in prayer specifically for this emergent need! May the Lord provide!
Dear Dadi Seth,
We will be praying and fasting for them.May God provide all things which they have greatly need in that area.
God bless You.
Ike hit my hometown in Kemah pretty badly… people are safe, but the damage is ridiculous. I’ve got lots of contacts all around the Houston area let me know if there’s anything I can do to connect people to help out. My family is working on one house at a time, and could use more hands!
Seth- Thank you for issuing this call.
A team from my church is going down again Nov8 to Sabine Pass, on the Gulf coast below Orange TX. We’ve had team there 4 times since Rita and now, homes that have been rehabbed (is that even a word?) are again damaged or gone. There are many small towns like this along thecoast that have yet to see FEMA from Rita. UMCOR- United Methodist Committee on Relief- has made a commitment to not leave until people’s lives are restored.
I want to help but i only make min. wage…i wouldn’t be able to afford to pay the $30 a day….is there anything else I could do?
Sure, please get in touch w/
I am not sure if you can help me. My home was damaged by Ike like many others. I was trying to find someone to help me remove fallen trees out of my backyard. I am single but half my paycheck goes towards child support. I live on a very limited income. I have to have my roof and airconditioner replaced. If I can get the trees removed for free I might atleast be able to get my roof done with the insurance money. My house is over 20 years old, so they depreciated my repairs drastically. right now I cannot afford the repairs needed with the money insurance will pay.
Thomas J. Carr
281 353 4342
If you were left with a tree stump and need to have it removed please give us a call. We grind out that stump to leave a nice bit of mulch. If not, please tell your friends and neighbors about us!