How can I get close to the heart of God?
I was looking for a way to thank you, my loyal blog readers, for living life with me (vicariously anyway). I really have connected with some of you in the last year. Beyond that, I’m always looking for ways to help you make your faith practical. It’s just a conviction I have; there’s so much teaching out there and not enough on how to actually do it. Most Christians want to know how they can get close to God – they want to know his will for their lives, but they don’t know where to begin. So, here’s something that may help some of you.
Tom Davis and I are partnering together to provide a launching point for you to find out what God has for you. If you’ve been a blog reader for a while and have a blog of your own, we are offering our two books to you completely free of charge, if you will do two things: listen and act.
My book The Art of Listening Prayer will teach you to better hear God’s voice and build intimacy with the Lord, and Tom’s book Red Letters will teach you about God’s heart for the poor, along with practical ways that you can reach out to the “least of these.”
After you read each book, we’re asking that you post at least one blog linking to our blog sites and drop a comment on this blog, letting us know how it’s going by answering these questions:
- What did God move you to do?
- What did you learn from our books?
- How did this make a difference?
We’ll walk through this with you and help you discern what God is saying and what your appropriate response is. So many people have a desire to serve God and are virtually lost in a sea of choices. We want to help you wade through all of that. If you’re interested, act ASAP, because there are only a limited number of books.
Most of my life I struggled with the vague notion that God wanted to talk to me and I just wasn’t listening hard enough. The God I read about in the Bible regularly interacts not only with mankind, but with specific men and women. The common denominator I saw in Scripture was that these people who conversed with God were intentional and earnest in their pursuit of a relationship with him. So, I decided to pursue him like that. At the same time I became more aware that he was pursuing me. (The Art of Listening Prayer by Seth Barnes)
What if all Christ-followers lived the Red Letter words in the Bible — Jesus’ words? What if we offered the hungry something to eat, gave one of our many coats to someone who was cold, and truly loved all our neighbors as ourselves? How radically different would our lives be? How different would our world be? (Red Letters by Tom Davis)
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I will be glad if you send me a lot more copies
Please i will like you to send to me some of your materials throuh my
P.O.Box 1183 Festac Town Lagos state Nigeria West Africa.
Tel +234-80-33588981. I will be glad to be your partner.
Thank you for the good work, am from Kenya and i thank you all for your prayers, i do thank you for all that you do to spread the good gospel, your news letters are wonderful please keep them coming.
Please send me those two books my address is
Bishop Charles Omondi
Box 28885
Nairobi, Kenya.
What does one do when they truly want to follow and serve Christ,yet part of them truly wants to rebel.Im a passionate person by nature either hot or cold.Sometimes Im so pissed at god the Irishmen comes out in me and I tell him.Other times I want to sit and weep at his kindness to me.Ive been like this for years and know what hes telling me to do(sub mit to authority) yetits the hardest thing in the world for me to do.Im sick of the ebbing tide.I try to fall on the rock yet its in my nature to fight and always seem to mutiny and take control of the helm again!!!!
Seth and Tom,
I know on a personal level several Christian superstar-celebrity-types who have authored books and I cannot imagine them ever offering their books for free. You guys consistently go against the grain.
Thanks guys.
Agreed – you guys are heroes. Thanks for the free resources!
Wow!! Thanks, Seth.. I have read the Art of Listening Prayer, and can say that it was one of the most important books to deepen my walk with Christ. And every book that you’ve recommended has been worthwhile and usefulso I look forward to reading Red Letters.
Tom and Sethwhat a beautiful and practical way to build up the saints!! Thank you.
what a fabulous idea. i was looking so forward to Tom’s new book too! yay!
and thanks seth…we (heart) you too 🙂
happy belated birthday!
Wow, what servant hearts you guys have. This “special offer” is such a blessing, especially to missionaries with not a lot of extra $$. I’m always looking for fresh bread to eat. God’s abundant blessings on you, which will definitely be more that the money I could pay for the books anyway.
WOW! I’d love to read your book on prayer, Seth. I have to admit that even though I’ve loved the Lord basically my whole life, my prayer life still really sucks rotten eggs much of the time. I’ve sent Dany an email requesting it.
I’ve already read Tom’s book. How could I go to Swaziland with Children’s HopeChest with Tom as our fearless leader and NOT read RED LETTERS? 😉
Thanks for the offer.
Hope you and your’s have a glorious Sunday!
Elysa Mac
I’ll definitely be reading these to prepare for the WR. I’m wondering if they’d be appropriate (especially The ARt of Listening Prayer) to go through with high schoolers? I’d love to lead my small group through this this summer!
That’s great, Kelly. Actually, I think we may be sending you a digital copy in any case.
It would be appropriate for high schoolers. The foundation for our faith is a relationship with Jesus. And if we don’t teach his sheep how to hear the master’s voice, how will they ever obey him and make him Lord?
they’ll be hard copies. if electronic copies would suffice, let Dany know and we’ll see what we can do for you.
Greetings from our local churches in INDIA.
Thank you for sending me the two free books for our ministry spiritual development in INDIA.
Convey our special greetings to our STAFF.
Thanking you.
Praise the Lord,
Please I tahnk God for you and for your ministry. I am a Kenyan pastor and always your website has blessed my soul. Please I request your two free books I hope I will grow and my ministry will grow.Thank you as I am waiting to hear from you soon.
Pastor Onesmus Mark Omesa.,612,40200,Kisii,Kenya.
Phone: +254 727 368 562.
this is a wonderful thing you have come up with and i believe many peoples lives will be touched and changed me being one of them. i can sense it in my spirit already even without reading the books.i always like the blog that seth sends and am an avid reader of the website,so i would like to order for the two books since i know God has called me into mission fields i would like to know how to go about that.thanking you in advance
Dear Dadi Seth,
Greetings in the matchless name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
We are very happy that God is using you for His glory.These books will be bless to others in Pakistan.We pray for you,your family and all your ministry work.Please send to me these books in your earliest conviance.May God bless You.
Thank you very much. It’s a Blessing for me having in touch with you the godly people.
The free books that your offer to send on free of cost, are also more usefull for me and my fellow brother and sisters doing Lord’s work in this area.
Thank you
Pastor Rao.vkvr
#*55-32-9,Achantavari St.
INDIA -533002
This is such a great way to share blessings. Thank you so much for everything you guys do. You are truly and inspiration.
am a pastor and wish you all the best.What you are doing is wholesome.
My personal prayer for you is May GOD bless you.
you have inspired me,please do call a freinds day we fellowship together the family of christ is growing.
Glory be to god,what you are doing is wonderful.If you want to minister here in kenya all are welcome.
contact me on or call +254 729 801371.
God bless you so much.
This will be a very big blessing from the Heavenly Father. Send it to my Ministry too.
May God bless you my brother Seth and your Ministry.
My address:
Bernard Otuoma
The Good Life Ministries-Kenya
P.O.Box 165-40102
wow..! its good to read and develop the faith… i want and ask you to send me the two books.
thank you
from our Natioanl church of christ chitwan,Nepal .i want to thanks ro you and your ministry .It is Good and please send me your New materials book below Address .
I want to thanks and invite in our country welcome to our country Nepal for all christian to prayer God’s.
I want to respect to all people because i want to peace in the world . Any person will contact me ( )or or
Chapagain Raju (olive)
Church of christ
P.o.b- 16, Bharatpur,chitwan,Nepal
God bless to you and your;s ministries members and all christian brother and sister
Dearly Beloved In christ, the only saviour,
I am a tribal Eva.Bro. johnson from the most hill tribal aborgins from India.I am Very very interested in living close with God.kindly send me those two spiritual books you promised to grow us in God. so that, I can learn and spend sometime in your fellowship. We are truly Appriciating yours of this spiritual effot.May God bless you abundantly.Thank u very much.
Your Co-Labourer in His VineYard,
Your Humble Disciple & Always an earnest Learner…your johnson
Evan.Bro. Johnson B. Jakkala,
The True Vine Ministries(The TribalEvangelism),
Opp Forest Chek post,
Rampachodavaram (post & mandal),
East Godavari District Forests ,
Andhra pradesh, India (pin 533288),
I pray the Lord to shower His blessings on all that you are doing. keep the good works, you will be rewarded some day to come.
Baruch hashem.
1. What did God move you to do?
As a leader for a college prayer ministry, reading “The Art of Listening Prayer” particularly had an effect on me to give priority and training to our group to spend time hearing God in the midst of the meeting.
2. What did you learn from our books?
One thing I learned is that it is possible to communicate charismatic commitments without raising alarm bells with people. It is so easy to use divisive language in topics like this, but the reality is that we should do our best to encourage and exhort believers to follow the lead of the Holy Spirit and experience the active presence of God.
3. How did this make a difference?
Well, the fruit will be in the ministry on campus, primarily an in my own future discussions of prayer. If you’re looking to hear more about that, feel free to contact me privately.
In the Gospel,
I just finished reading The Art of Listening Prayer. It had a huge impact on the way that I pray. I have to say, my prayer life, up to this point, was pretty much a monologue; with me never taking the time to wait and listen, expecting a response. Not only has my conversations with God improved, I can now effectively show my children how to pray and boldly expect God to respond. I am so thankful that I was able to read your’s and Tom’s books. I can’t believe the difference these 2 books have made in my life. Thank you for your book & your blog; they have both stretched me beyond what I thought possible.
Thanks for the encouragement. It’s so important that we disciple our children in this. I’ve been a little stale in my prayer life lately – probably need to re-read my own book!
Thanks so much for these two gifts. They’ve both had an impact on me. I’m slogging through The Art Of Listening Prayer as faithfully as I know how. I say that because it’s such a radical departure from how I’ve conversed with God to this point in my lifeif you can call it “conversation” at all. I must confess to having loads of doubt that I’m needing to shed and, while I’m nowhere close to where I want to be, I’m experiencing more meaningful, dynamic, joyful times with the Lord in the last few days than I’ve felt in years. I like how you termed it an “Art”, because it definitely is just that! There is no scientific formula, and it takes loads of practice.
As for “Red Letters”, I just posted a review on my blog at I’m sure it’s not the literary masterpiece that others have written, but I’m hopeful that I’ve gotten my ideas and thoughts about Tom’s book across succinctly. After reading the book, I am moved more than ever to be Jesus’ hands and feet. I recognize that He may not be calling me to Africa (then again, He may!), but that has to start here. Hopefully others will follow my lead and be moved just as much. I’m praying more and more for opportunities to meet Jesus, as Tom says so powerfully, on a daily basis.
Thanks again.
As a christian married to a pastor who prays often,i am in a pursuit of a relationship with God not for presents but for his presence.My getting close to the heart of God will make me compliment my husband in his ministry.Apart from that,these books will be a blessing to many more we are yet to reach out as a couple.
Our address is:
Naomi Banda Mwiya,
C/o Ps. Mwiya Stephen,
RDA,Box 60431,Livingstone.
My name is Patti , a woman on disability who is trying to change her life. I wanted to know is there any way I still could get the two free books listed here. I know I read they are no longer available, but with God all things are possible and If He wants me to have these books well, then I will.
I have had a very hard past. I went down the wrong path. I always was looking for love and finding nothing. I come from a abusive home, and was tossed into foster homes. I wanted so much to be married and have a family, well that never happened. I looked for my companion in the wrong places I guess, all I met was men who drank, my father was a alcholic , I wonder if that is why I went for these same type of men. I used to work for a living, and was told I was intelligent, but somehow I lost my way, I took up the sin of alchol, I drank because of lonliness and pain in my heart.
I met men who only added to this who would beat me and lie and hurt me. I lost my jobs and went on welfare, and then used to live in these boarding houses where there were people who drank and took drugs, I had a furnished room there , a tiny room with a bed and a chair, all that went on in these places was fighting, screaming, partyin, loud music, I never slept , I lived in fear, my life was even threatened there. I was afriad to come out of my room to go to the bathroom in the hallway , where everyone shared the bathroom. it was horrible there, I would close my shades and drink until I passed out, each day, wasting all of my years,
destroying my life. I was in darkness and couldn’t find my way out. Yes I would go to church here and there, but the pain of my circumstances overpowered what I heard. I prayed to God to please get me out of there, because I was getting sick, I was hiding away, and going nowhere.
I applied with the housing authority for a studio, I remember the day they got me a studio , I felt finally i could live in peace, I always wanted a nice home of my own, but I was happy I got a studio, i thought now I could go to school, now I could turn my life around, But becaause I am unlucky , there was this senior citizen woman down the hall who was crazy, she didn’t like me because I was young, and she told me I was in her building (she had mental problems), she antaganized me day after day, bothered me, always followed me around, knocked on my door when I had company wanting to know who was over, she never never left me alone, she got me to the point where I would scream at her and all she would do is laugh in my face, she told me Jesus was never going to help me, she used to burn inceense and ring bells because she was into witchcraft, she made me sick, I begged the housing to get me away from her but they just put me on a waiting list, they didn’t care,
so I went back to drinking, I felt God was punishing me and I was mean’t to be miserable, I cursed life, I started shoplifting, I was angry all the time, I drank and drank and downhill I went again , I still don’t understand why God put me next to this woman when I ha so much pain in the boarding houses
I wish God would let me know why He put me next to her. I ended up in the er for being very sick and haveing panic attacks .,
I will skip to this point
On dec 17 2007 I asked God to help me, I cryed out to HIm, before I was always afraid to go to Him becuase I felt He was the one who was putting me in all these horrible situations, but I cryed out to Him anyway and asked Him to help me, I gave up shoplifting because it was destroying my mind and soul, I knew this wasn’t me, I knew it was because of my painful life that I turned to all the wrong things. I asked Him , to please get me away from this woman to please help me ,
That same night I awoke in terror to a loud noise and there was a tree coming through the roof of my apartment right over my head where I was sleeping, the windows were crushed and everything,
It was the most frightening thing I ever saw.
I ran out the door with my cat ANgel.
Now the housing had to move me they had no choice, I always wanted a bedroom apartment being I lived in horrible furnished rooms, but that didn’t happen, instead they put me in a smaller apartment , and underneath me was yet another older woman who bothered me, if I moved something on the floor or walked to heavy according to her , she would bang her cane on the ceiling. I had to tiptoe around the apartment, I was wondering WHY GOD, am I always put next to these people, why can ‘t I find the home I long for. I wanted to make something of myself and go to school, but living in these places just bought me down. It seems when you have no money , you can’t put in housing where you can never have peace.
The only thing that is keeping me holding on is this.
After I cryed out to God that day and the tree fell, I started to see signs, the signs were on license plates and I never saw these in my whole life.
One day I was driving with my friend and telling her that I was tired of suffering , and I told her I don’t know why the tree fell on my roof, I said I don’t know if God did it to get meout of there or it was the devil trying to hurt me, and in front of us was a license plate that read LambofGod in big letters, another time I saw a license plate reading HvFaith, and another QUIETFAITH and another GODSWORD, one time I was asking God why can’t I find the home I would love to live in, I have dreams to live in the country in my own home or bedroom apartment, around nature and water, and to write my book to help others, I really asked God why this is not happening and I always seem to go the wrong way, and I kept hering Be still and know that I am God over and over in my mind, I really never really heard this phrase that much in my mind before, and the very next day I went to the store and there was a big white van and in the back was a big license plate, and truly in big letters were the words BESTILL
I couldn’t believe I saw this, I felt this has to be from God.
I told my new christian friend she said God has something very special for you patti, for Him to send you signs.I
I only know that I have started to want to read His word more, I am taking a small bible study course, I have been talking to people about HIm, trying to convert some people. I have had this hunger to write a christian book but I can’t find a class that will h elp me get started, because I have no money for school
I was also told by a non christian friend that it was all coincidences. I started to doubt, and I don’t want to do that, becuase I haven’t seen these signs in awhile now, and there is still soemthing I am doing in my life that is not good for me
I am at a standstill again.
I wish I didn’t doubt becasue in my heart I know these signs had to be from God. I want so much to write this christian book, but I tell myself I can’t do it, I am too stupid, so time is wasting.
I pray God hasn’t given up on me
I have been sick lately and thinking God is punishing me.
I am writing to you asking for your advice and for your help
I truly hope you will take the time to answer me back and not forget. This is so important ,for it had to have been God talking to me, but what was He trying to tell me, and why was it only in a period after I rededicated my life, and now nothing. I have even been thinkig maybe I am going to die from cancer or something (because my sister got breast cancer) and maybe God isn’t going tohelp me anymore to fulfill my destiny.
I pray He heals me and has a long life for me, for I want so much to make Him proud of me, and so much to know I am not a waste of a human life.
With Love
Patti Callahan
You know, this Patti, you are the second person today who I have encountered who was struggling and thinking it was a punishment from God. As Elisabeth Elliot says, “You are loved with an everlasting love, and underneath are the everlasting arms.” Sure God allows us to deal with the consequences of our actions, especially when we are living completely outside of His will, but it is NOT a punishment but a consequence. If you are obeying His word as He convicts you of areas of sin (He doesn’t do it all at once you knowcan you IMAGINE?) then maybe He is working on strengthening you or opening your eyes to the suffering of people around you, or teaching you how to love as He loves (I spent a long time on that one and still amlearning to see people through His eyes is HARD.) The point is that not every struggle is a consequence of our own actions, there are MANY reasons for suffering and books and books and books have been written on the matter. If HE uses your personal experience to help one other person then your own struggles are not a waste. May I suggest that you start a blog ( and both have them for free) and start writing out your story and writing what God is doing in your life? First, it will help you see Him at work and remember what He has done, AND it may help someone else who is further down than you are now. And then, maybe someday, THAT can be worked into a book.
Feel free to contact me @ if I can help you get started.
Thank you for sharing your story Patti!
He doesn’t ever forget His kids, He never gets tired of picking us up and dusting us off. In fact I believe He has become closer to you in all of this. And you understand His faithfulness and care better than a lot of pew-sitting Sunday folk. I encourage you to have hope in His love and keep writing – He will make it work if its a dream He’s placed within you. I’m sure Seth can get you copies of the books – they’re good ones. And let us know when you write yours. I would buy a copy! You are loved sister!!
Dear Patti
Beautiful Patti, God holds the broken pieces of your heart and is waiting to put them back together. Only He can do this as He made you in the 1st place, He has a “blue print” of who you should be so dont worry about all your plans right now, He does not want you to “do things” for Him to prove you are a better person…….He wants you to be still……..and KNOW He is God.
Right now you are not being still…….you are keeping busy by looking at what you could be or should be… are looking at your past which you cant change……God wants you to be still….JUST AS YOU ARE.
For a moment, an eveing, a day….He wants you to stop looking at everything else and BE.Just as you are, now because in that place you will know you are loved JUST AS YOU ARE. If you do not be still you will not learn this….you will not learn what it is to be truly loved for who you are……to be so consumed by His love, mercy and Grace.
You may feel to dirty to be loved becaue of your past…..let me share this with you…..
“many years ago I had gone down yet another wrong path in my life. I ended up in a church meeting about 150 miles away from where I live and during that meeting I saw Jesus as real as you or me. I could see Him standing in a crowd as if I was back intime, when He walked this earth.He was with His disciples and so many people were crowded round Him.
Then He saw me and it was like he had just seen an old friend! I could feel inside and see on His face how pleased He was to see me. He started pushing His way through the crowd towards me….He was smiling….He only had eyes for me……it was such a special intimate moment.
When He reached me He pulled me into His arms and I could hear His heart beating as I lay my head on His chest. I wept and try to tell Him all the sinful things I had been doing but He just kept on holding me so close saying “shhhh…I know all about that”….Again I tried to tell Him what I had done and He said ” I know, Ive already dealt with it, dont you worry” and He just kept on holding me.
Now that is what it is to be still….just as you…..let HIM love you Patti. Dont worry about houses or people or school or anything else. When you KNOW and experience the depth of this love none of the other things will matter to you anymore.
Let Him love the very core of who you are. He will remove your sin, your shame and make you feel so clean, so alive and so loved you will never be the same again.
I know His love, my precious Saviour loves me and stands by me when everyone else rejects me. I too have had a bad life, in a home, rejected by 2 mums, into drink, drugs, guys but I am SO loved by my Jesus. You just need to be still and let Him do the work.Let Him love you in that stillness.
Godbless You x
Your Father gives you His promises to give you hope. When you feel too weak to hang on to Him, then He holds on to you. I pray God will send you true brothers and sisters who live near you to surround you with love, encouragement and the protection that comes with God’s family. You need this. May God do this soon! The devil, demons, and our own thoughts can be deceptive. God’s Word and God’s love will never fail. God cannot lie. His Word to you is:
Hebrews 13:5-6 “Never will I leave you Patti; never will I forsake you.” So you can say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?”
Psalm 91:
14 “Because Patti loves me,” says the LORD, “I will rescue her; I will protect her, for she acknowledges My name.
15 She will call upon Me, and I will answer her; I will be with Patti in trouble, I will deliver her and honor her.
16 With long life will I satisfy Patti and show her My salvation.”
Psalm 20:1 May the LORD answer you when you are in distress; may the name of the God of Jacob protect you.
2Thessalonians 3:3 But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen and protect you from the evil one.
Here is one of my stories Seth which I hope will encourage….
Years ago I used to have the first weekend free from Kids as it was my Ex-husband turn to look after them.As a busy single working Mum of 3 you can imagine just how many things I had planned for my free weekend! This particular weekend was in the springtime and I had great plans to get out into my garden and begin “creating” somethin beautiful rather than the overgrown mess it had become.
Saturday morning came and my kids went. I started getting ready with my plans to conquor the “wilderness” outside when I felt the Lord call me to spend time with Him.
SEVEN hours later I finished my prayer time and God did most the talking!To start with my mind was on my garden,…my things….my plans….my mind was not on God but the more I started laying down ME and listening to Him I got to a place where nothing else mattered on this planet, forget the garden!
I havent read your books Seth but all I can say is look for HIS heart. WAit to hear His heart beat, wait to hear what He is concerned about. Its not about us.
I remember back in the 1980’s as a new christian sitting on my bed with a list of things to pray for.I started praying and I felt the Lords presence enter the room. He sat beside me then put His hand on mine which was holding the list and He said “forget the list….lets talk about us”. Suddenly I didnt know what to do. The list was full of things I said I would pray for people so I started again with my list. The Lord again, with such gentleness and love did the same thing. This time I just broke down in tears and allow Jesus to minister to my spirit.
I think we talk to much in Gods presence at times to keep Him at a safe distance. If He gets too close it hurts, or we get convicted of sin as His Holy Fire burns.
To all those who struggle just let God in, deep into who you are…..nomatter how uncomftable it may feel or how much hurt it touches on. Let Him heal you, restore you, love you and cleanse you.It is SO amazing when you hear God say “you are now forgiven for that sin!” and YOU KNOW you are, you feel clean, you know God has just done the work.
I hope this blesses and encourages. Sin made Adam and Eve hide from God, dont let the enemy make you hide let God TELL you Himself what you need to do or change or forgive. He is the ONLY judge with a clear view of who you are.Only HE knows what He made you for and what He wants you to do.
LIFE itself is ALL about listening to Him
Dearest Patti,
Thank you for sharing your story. I admire your determination to continue to press on toward that which God has planned for you – “For I know the plans I have for you Patti,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11) HE does indeed have a plan for your life Patti!! You can trust it and believe it because God has promised it…and God’s Word and His promises never fail. His love for us – for you – will also never fail.
You have been fearfully, wonderfully, and lovingly made by God and yours is not a wasted life (Psalm 139). He loves you so much and cares deeply about you. He sees every tear you cry and He weeps with you.
I’m so sorry to hear about the painful things you have experienced. But I rejoice in knowing that you are working toward changing your life – moving forward – and that you are seeking the Lord’s help with this. He has the power to change you – let Him do it. God can take all the bad stuff we’ve done and all the bad and ugly stuff that’s been done to us, and make it into something good and beautiful…to accomplish His plans. It is a process and it takes time. He did it for me and I believe He’s doing it for you!
Try not to look back at your past and dwell there on the things you wish you wouldn’t have done. I’ve been there myself and it makes going forward very difficult. My joy has come in embracing the truth that “in Christ I am a new creation…the old has gone and the new has come” (2 Corinthians 5:17). I pray, Patti, that you will know and embrace this truth as well. And, “I pray Patti, that you may have power to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge – that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.” (Ephesians 3:18-19).
I am praying for you sister…be encouraged and press on!
God Bless,
patti r.
Patti! I am so delighted to meet you. I am actually excited to read your story. Much like you, I lived in these same conditions and worse. I am truly sorry that you had to walk through this life. I know it hurts. BUT, God has not given up on you. He NEVER will. I promise. If He didn’t give up on me, He won’t give up on you!!!
When I read this part, “I was afriad to come out of my room to go to the bathroom in the hallway , where everyone shared the bathroom. it was horrible there, I would close my shades and drink until I passed out, each day, wasting all of my years.” My heart broke for you even more… Here’s the good news, I met God in the dark while drunk and high in a closet because I was so scared of the outside world!! Yep – TRUE!
I would love to chat with you! My phone number is yours to have! Contact Seth, and he will give it to you. I have sooo much GOOD STUFF I want to share with you about your life!!! I am your friend. I have been there, and I so badly want to help you come from there!
Yes, God does have a plan for you… a good plan in fact! He has opened your heart and your eyes to receive His signs. But there is so much more He wants to show you!
Oh, and I will buy you one of the books! I would love to put Art of Listening Prayer in your hands! Let me know how I can get it to you.
With Love,
Jennifer Smith
Dear Patti,
Life can be hard; that is an understatement. But God is always good; that is an even bigger understatement. I relate to your story on so many levels. Sometimes circumstances can really get the best of us, and we begin to doubt that God is good. But hold onto this truth, God IS good, always, and He loves you with an everlasting love. He loves you perfectly and completely, and although you may not understand, He understands everything you are going through…He is acquainted with the deepest sorrow and grief, and He sees your sorrow. He holds all your tears as precious jewels, and some day He will wipe them all away. Believe Him period. Let the confusion go, and believe Him. He loves you. He always has, and He always will. We don’t understand why God allows certain things to happen because we know He is Sovereign over all, but if we will just believe Him everything else will be OK. He loved you perfectly from the beginning of time, that was before you were bornbefore you made any mistakes, before you doubted, before you were abused and hurtHe loved you perfectly then, and His love never changes. It does not depend on how “good” or “bad” you believe you are, or the bad that has been done to you. His love is the only constant in this worldit is the anchor for your soul. Read about His love in the Bible, and then read some more. Soak it in until it becomes your daily bread, until it restores your soul. He is the source of life and everything you have need of. Receive His love, and never let it go. Everything else will fall into place, even if things around you are falling apart.
Love and God bless you dear sister,
Hi Patti…
I read your comment and have thought about you a lot since. I asked God what He would have me say and He brought one of my favorite passages dealing with darkness and light to mind. I would ask that as you read the following passage pay special attention to verses 6 and 8.
Zechariah 6:1-8
1 Then I turned and raised my eyes and looked, and behold, four chariots were coming from between two mountains, and the mountains were mountains of bronze. 2 With the first chariot were red horses, with the second chariot black horses, 3 with the third chariot white horses, and with the fourth chariot dappled horses—strong steeds. 4 Then I answered and said to the angel who talked with me, “What are these, my lord?”
5 And the angel answered and said to me, “These are four spirits of heaven, who go out from their station before the Lord of all the earth. 6 The one with the black horses is going to the north country, the white are going after them, and the dappled are going toward the south country.” 7 Then the strong steeds went out, eager to go, that they might walk to and fro throughout the earth. And He said, “Go, walk to and fro throughout the earth.” So they walked to and fro throughout the earth. 8 And He called to me, and spoke to me, saying, “See, those who go toward the north country have given rest to My Spirit in the north country.”
A while back He used these verses to confirm to me that darkness and light are both His and that He uses both to bring about his purposes. It is my belief, from experiences in my own life, that with a lot of darkness comes the potential for a lot of light. You see and perceive signs because of what you have been through..He can get to your heart in ways He cannot get to others because of what you have seen.
I believe that He has heard your cry and that He is seeking you out…but I like to think of this relationship you are about to embark on as a dance..He always leads the dance…He does the big things…but you bear some responsibility…however, the neat thing about our God is that He even helps you with your part.
If you proceed with the dance He will restore and He will bring meaning and healing to all that you have suffered…You will have a beautiful story…and as you tell it you will bring healing to others…and that will bring healing to you…we all want to have meaning…and what better meaning to our suffering than for our suffering to help us enter into the suffering of others and bring healing to them…that is the ultimate in restoration…and He will do that for you…and is calling you to that now…
A few months ago someone gave me these words
“He is pouring His love into you…just receive it”
I give this to you now…
“He is revealing Himself to you in a very special way…just receive it…
I hope that through all of this Seth has gotten you in touch with someone that you can email back and forth with as you receive what He is giving you because it helps to assure yourself that you are not crazy…I can email back and forth…however there are others who have been at this a whole lot longer…
May you feel His comfort tonight!!
Patti – God hasn’t given up on you. He is your Father, a loving parent who is using everything he can to teach you to trust in him. I know that life can be hard, and even cruel. I’m sorry that you’ve experienced so much pain, and I think that God’s heart is grieved because of this, too.
All I know is that he can redeem some of the worst situations, that beauty can come from ashes, that in our pain and weakness, we can see how truly good and wonderful the love of Jesus can be. I encourage you to keep crying out to God, to believe that he is faithful, even when you are not. I believe that God has plans for his glory and your good. Sometimes, the road taken is a long and hard one, but I know that God is good and that his love for you is pure. My hope is that you can take comfort in the one stability in this hectic world – that God’s love for you is not conditional; it will not shift or sway. He is steady when everything else is a mess.
And… he sings over you, Patti, because you are his daughter, and he delights in you.
I bless you in the name of Jesus with every spiritual blessing that your Father in heaven has stored up for you.
Jesus is Lord and Big God bless you all i do read your news letters from a friend here in Kenya, you do help me to know what takes place in countries where the gospel has not reached.
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