How do you feel after a year of adventure?

I guess I’m not the same. I went to Starbucks today to wrestle down this reality with myself because I just quite didn’t want to believe it… or own up to it. Sometimes it’s hard to face something so drastic and dramatic. It usually comes with some kind of responsibility attached. This whole Kingdom thing for
instance – there’s no escaping it. There’s no going back. Once you’re in, you’re in. That’s it. Face it.
And so I’m having to stare my demons in the face, one whom looks like a spitting image of myself. It’s my old self battling with my new self; the flesh man wrestling to the ground with the Spirit man. And it’s an epic battle on my insides. I squirm when I think about it because it’s so loud and sometimes I’m afraid people might hear it and look at me like I’m crazy. Probably if you looked in my eyes you could see it.
And I knew that this would happen eventually, that there would be some gigantic collision between two worlds. The challenging part is that it’s only still in thought at this point. I haven’t even set foot on American soil, on familiar romping grounds in Wichita, KS. I’m still wrestling with the idea of it all. Read more…
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