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How to be a disciple, Part 2: The teachable heart

Continued from: How to be a Disciple Why are so few people teachable? They can be taught academic truths, but not spiritual ones. I don’t mean the people sitting in the pews being “taught” stuff they will never apply. James 1:22 says, “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselve…
By Seth Barnes

Continued from: How to be a Disciple

Why are so few people teachable? They can be taught academic truths, but not spiritual ones. I don’t mean the people sitting in the pews being “taught” stuff they will never apply. James 1:22 says, “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.”

A teachable disciple is that courageous soul who is prepared to change around the furniture of her life. She knows there are two ways to do this – the inefficient, self-reliant method of trial and error, and the more practical method of following the counsel of a spiritual coach.

I was not a particularly teachable person during my teen years and my twenties. I harbored some insecurities and had acquired some unhealthy defense mechanisms. Rather than seeing spiritual counsel as helpful, I’d defend my behavior, making life change difficult at best.

The defended self will never change. The self that is exposed, that can welcome reality no matter how sorry or ugly it may be, is the self that will be surprised by grace.

As a discipler you’ve only got so much energy. Better to spend it on those with their arms open wide, not crossed over their chest. Look for them. Pray that God reveals them to you. I estimate that 1 person in 10 has this posture.

Continued in: How to be a disciple, Pt. 3


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