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How to break free of a faith in Too Much

We cram our lives so full and then suffer with heartburn.
The Problem
A couple of generations ago the problem families faced was putting food on the table. Now we have the problem of too much food. We live in a society where our biggest problem is the problem of too much…
By Seth Barnes

We cram our lives so full and then suffer with heartburn.
The Problem
A couple of generations ago the problem families faced was putting food on the table. Now we have the problem of too much food. We live in a society where our biggest problem is the problem of too much.
What are we to do?
First we have to see the world as it is: we are swimming in toxins – too much food has resulted in a diabetes epidemic, too many drugs and we have an addiction crisis.
Too much social media and we don’t have the capacity to self-govern. In its place is an addiction to pornography.
Too much noise, and we can’t hear ourselves think, much less God’s voice.
Too much stuff crowding our homes and garages. And the bottom line is that we are missing out on the simple things that make life enjoyable – a walk in the park. A quiet evening with people we love.
The Solution
We need to push the stop button and find a way to start over. Stop the social media addictions, the noisy living. We need to take the time and space to rediscover the simplicity of life as God intended it to be lived. We need to leave the noise and stuff that crowds our lives.
How do we do that?
We see in the Bible that God understands that his people didn’t like the change that simple living required – they liked to stay in their comfortable places. Over and over again he called them out of their comfort zones and out on journeys to recalibrate their dependence on him.
All the patriarchs and heroes of the Bible went on kingdom journeys that helped them learn how to depend on God. Abraham took his whole family on one. Moses led an entire nation on one.
Jesus was born on a pilgrimage and led his disciples on a three year kingdom journey. Paul founded the church on a series of journeys.
The problem is that we’ve lost this practice of journeying as a way to to take stock and find alignment. God gave us a spiritual discipline to recalibrate when his people lose their way in life – it’s the discipline of a kingdom journey.
I’m leaving on one this Friday. A hike of the Camino of Santiago. I’ll be accompanied by seven other guys. And as we hike, we’ll talk about our lives and our next steps in life if we are to end well.
I’ve found that demasiado is always seeping into my life. Without a kingdom journey from time to time, my spirit withers. To get back into alignment with God’s design for my life, I need a journey – a leaving of the normal and a space to think and hear from him.
How about you? Does your life look like the chipmunk in the picture above? Why not consider a kingdom journey that has the potential to activate you to the life God intended for you to live?
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Blessings to you Seth and companions. Very timely for me as well. May peace in the spirit of peace and love accompany you. I am entering a season of contemplation and focus on those most important aspects of life. It’s about time!
Good to hear from you again, Kathy. It’s been a while! Glad to hear that you are moving into this new season of life.
wow I love this!! I have recently returned form the most amazing 2 week journey…PVT in Swaziland. Talk about time to slow down, take notice and just enjoy what God gave us. We had very limited wifi…which was actually refreshing and I didn’t even miss it. I got to see my daughter acting in faith and obedience and it did my heart good! I got to see the real life of a 3rd world country. I knew it was bad from reading about it and hearing and watching the news…but seeing it first hand changes your heart and you life. My life is forever changed, my heart also. I know God called me to that PVT for many reasons, but the most evident one to me was Him calling me to do more, I can’t wait to go back! Thank you for your vision of taking parents on a small part of this journey with our racers!!
Thanks Seth and– Vaya Con Dios mi compadre! There is a place of “holy discontent” where like someone stirring a stick in an ice fishing hole to prevent freezing over volitional effort is made to stay in a *settled yet fluid* place. The commissioning of disciples who traveled light is a good metaphor. It’s one of the things I love about the Bethel Colony of Mercy here in Lenoir, NC. There is no room to hide from humanity’s needs nor God’s ever faithful hand. Blessings my brother.
Sissy – good to hear this report! You’ve been on a kingdom journey since saying goodbye to Taylor. I’m looking forward to hearing what’s next for you.
How is she progressing in thinking about the Cambodia base as an option?
Hi Gary. Can you send me your best email address again? Thanks brother. Mine is butchmaltby@aol.com or butchmaltby@bethelcolony.org Blessings.
I think she is definitely thinking about that. I am praying for her to listen to the Lord and what He has planned for her.
I have discussed our conversations with her…so hoping its sinking in! Thank you
I have certainly been on a journey…and what a wonderful journey….Taylor actually baptized me in Swaziland…it was the best night surrounded by such amazing racers and parents!
Feel free to pursue Taylor!!
That’s not my real email??. I have it but I never check it. I just saw your testimony on the internet and it made my heart glad. It would be a pleasure to talk with you at some point. My landline is my office…the company Is Aslan management. If you’re so inclined, feel free to call and leave a message. The number is 781-449-9871.
May God bless you.
The best wide receiver you ever roomed with,
This is timely. Literally seconds before I saw this email I was wrestling with the Dallas Willard quote, “Didn’t God give you quite enough time to do what He expects you to do?”