Interview with globe-trotting married couple

married couple on the World Race:
Tara: What intrigued you about the World Race?
Marissa: I was ready to not be working the typical 9-5 job as I had already done that for 2 years and was basically bored.I wanted a life of adventure with my husband.Johnny: I wanted to see the world and make a difference as well as share this amazing experience together with my wife.I wanted us to become more as
one with Marissa and I am excited to see how God works through her this year.Tara: Marissa would you have been interested in the WR as a single woman?
Marissa: I don’t think I would have been interested in the World Race without my husband who is an outdoor enthusiast.I am excited about growing in our marriage and exiting the honeymoon phase and entering into year 3 while being on the WR because of the opportunity to grow together. Without
other married couples going, however, it would be really difficult for me.Tara: What did your friends and family say when you told them about going on the WR?
Marissa: People advised us to do this now before we have kids.I really thought about this and I am excited to be able to share these cultural experiences
with my kids one day.Tara: Johnny, any words of wisdom to other married couples thinking about applying?
Johnny: If you’re not making a difference in the world, or happy in what you are doing, then what is the point? I say do something that does make a
difference, or that really brings you joy.Tara: Why does being married make this so much more exciting?
Marrissa: Comfort, companionship, not being alone and that it is easy to go to Johnny to talk and receive affirmation, encouragement and support.I don’t know anything about international travel, but having Johnny who has a lot of street smarts it is comfortable to trust.
Johnny: It is great to have someone to comfort you and take care of you when you need it and be able to do the same for someone else.I am also looking
forward to share experiences and memories that will last forever.Marissa: It is like having your best friend with you, but even better because these memories will always be with you and your family.
Tara: What would you say to other married couples?
Marissa: Well, just in training camp we realized that as a married couple you have a team dynamic that no singles could have.We are so blessed with a team of 3 married couples and with that we already entered into an environment of trust and boldness.There is already a level of confidence in our teammates.
Johnny: Why not? Why would you not do this? Just jump in, take a leap of faith while you still can.
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I can’t believe it has already been 8 months since we have come home. The last 2 years has been a blur, but I am sure you will have no regrets.
You are in for an amazing experience, we suggest it for other married couples.