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Is evil impacting those you love?

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Are there people in your life who are struggling? I have so many friends who are currently in a struggle that feels overwhelming to them. My typical response after listening to them is, “I’ll pray for you.” But frankly, often that feels inadequate. Today I was thinking about a friend who h…
By sethbarnes

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Are there people in your life who are struggling? I have so many friends who are currently in a struggle that feels overwhelming to them. My typical response after listening to them is, “I’ll pray for you.” But frankly, often that feels inadequate.

Today I was thinking about a friend who has experienced more than his share of difficulties. And the thought came to me, “what if this is in fact more than just an ordinary amount of problems – what if my friend is actually being targeted by evil and is unaware?”

I read this passage: “Be prepared. You’re up against far more than you can handle on your own.” (Eph. 6:13) And I thought, “I wonder if he realizes that he’s up against far more than he can handle on his own?”

The passage goes on to say that God gives us weapons to fight with and that we should “learn how to apply them. You’ll need them throughout your life.”

Reading that I wondered, how many of my friends who are struggling have learned how to apply the weapons God has given them? The reality is that many of them are addressing the challenges in their lives in their own strength.

But if you look again at that warning in Ephesians 6, you see that it doesn’t mince words, “This is no weekend war that we’ll walk away from and forget about in a couple of hours. This is for keeps, a life-or-death fight to the finish against the Devil and all his angels.”

Too many of us who follow Jesus discount what he said about evil. Jesus regularly fought the enemy and he asked his followers to do the same. Yet, our modern world which has so much evidence of evil – from the horror movies we watch to the wars we fight – strangely discounts the reality of a personal evil. And many of us may even wonder, is spiritual warfare biblical?

It’s a good question. Throughout the Bible, we see God uses evil to train his people. In Judges 3:1-4 we see that a generation arose with no battle experience. And God used evil people to train them.

“These are the nations that God left there, using them to test the Israelites who had no experience in the Canaanite wars. He did it to train the descendants of Israel, the ones who had no battle experience, in the art of war. He left the five Philistine tyrants… They were there to test Israel and see whether they would obey God’s commands.”

God may be allowing evil to sift us in order to train us – to make us stronger. He may be wanting us to grow in our capacity to fight evil.

Traditionally men especially have had the role of protecting the family. But these days we neuter our men and ask our women to do the fighting. We turn men into couch potatoes content to watch others fight on TV.

The need to fight to establish the kingdom is greater than ever. Jesus expects us to come against injustice and evil and fight it. We’re told in James that true religion is “caring for widows and orphans in their distress.”

Where is evil impacting those you love? How has God trained you to fight it? A good place to start is to read Ephesians 6. Take the Bible seriously. Begin by putting on the armor of God.

Isn’t it time that you recognized that you are his response to a world in pain? He is waiting for you to fight for his children. Will you?

Photo by Zachary Kadolph on Unsplash

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