Ivermectin as a Cure for Covid-19? Current Research is Encouraging
A few days ago I told the story of how Ivermectin seemed to have made a huge difference in fighting Covid-19 in Iquitos, Peru. 70% of the population was infected and most were healed.
A lot of researchers and medical personnel are currently busy trying to verify the efficacy of Ivermectin. New information is showing up daily. Why not educate ourselves?
For example, currently there are already 33 clinical trials running around the world. The results so far are very positive.
This Reddit thread has a number of interesting leads, among them:
Dr. Eduardo Durand reports (here) a 100% cure rate among 3000+ patients.
This study in Bangladesh on Ivermectin + Doxycycline was a placebo-controlled double-blind randomly-assigned with N = 400. Started June 1 and completed last week. Results pending.
A study in Egypt shows that Ivermectin has a substantial prophylactic affect (taking it can keep you from contracting Covid-19).
This site tracks scholarly papers on Ivermectin and Covid-19.
This article makes an important point:
“The two main reasons that doctors aren’t yet prescribing ivermectin and doxycycline for Covid-19 are, first, that medical litigation has created an ultra-cautious culture even when there is virtually no risk, and second, doctors are mostly imprisoned in the prevailing paradigm which holds that there is no effective treatment to cure Covid-19 and that the only way out of [Australia’s] pandemic penitentiary is a vaccine. That’s a message that is promoted by powerful pharmaceutical companies who hope to make [a lot of money] out of expensive patented medicine and who would make nothing from a cheap generic cure.
US MDs won’t prescribe ivermectin for covid-19 in significant numbers without the FDA’s approval. Doing so would put them at risk of lawsuits. Ivermectin is ridiculously safe, but few MDs know that.”
This pandemic has impacted the world. What if we had an answer that would change things overnight? What if there were a drug that was:
- Already FDA-approved safe and used by millions
- Cheap
- Universally available
- Highly effective
What if the only thing preventing you from going back to your old pre-Covid life was for the scientific community to get enough data that it could conclude “the likely advantages vs the known dangers of this drug are so asymmetric relative to other options that we recommend it”?
This is not quackery. Satoshi Omura was awarded the Nobel Prize in 2015 for discovering the Avermectin family of compounds from which Ivermectin was derived. Its track record of safety is well-established. It has been hailed by the NIH as a “wonder drug.“
The evidence is beginning to show up and we would do well to track it. I recommend that more of us self-educate and share our research. If you come across helpful articles, please share them in the comments here.
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Wow interesting. Thanks Seth. I wonder if you have heard about any comparative studies between Ivermectin and Hydroxychloraquine?
Yes – there is at least one study looking at that. Of course hydroxychloroquine has a lot of baggage at this point and the WHO says, it “does not reduce deaths among hospitalised COVID-19 patients.”
Hey Seth – you’re becoming quite the medical researcher! This is some very good information, I’m reading all of it. Thank you for taking the lead in sharing
Thanks, Mike. You and Hulet taught me everything I know!
Thanks for sharing your research on the benefits of Ivermectin. Now highly respected doctors in the USA such as Paul marik have incorporated ivermectin into the treatment protocol s used in several hospitals whose clinicians are using the MATH+ protocol to successfully treat Covid 19 patients.
Curious if there’s info on how to take it if you have covid?
Yes. Get a prescription if you can. If not, you can get it online. I recommend listening to this news conference.