Jayson Was Dying and Katie Prayed

One of the things that I love most about the World Race is that it exposes racers to the world’s pain and gives them an opportunity to try and make a difference. Often, just loving and praying for those in pain helps a lot. But when racers decide to take initiative, as did Katie Swan, they make a huge difference. She tells a story of a baby who needed her care in this 2010 post.
It has been an intense seven months since I left baby Jayson’s side. He was still grossly underweight, hanging onto life with all of his might, and in need of more than one miracle. I still remember the physical struggle I encountered as I left his side. I’m not sure if it was the sight of his sunken frame that brought more tears to my eyes or the sight of his mother’s desperate eyes.
I wanted to assure her everything would be alright, that the surgery promised to her would happen, and that she just needed to be patient. But I knew none of these mere words would mean anything to her until her Jayson was healed.
Well, he is. Jayson has had the surgery and is doing absolutely wonderful.
Here I am. Nothing special. A 27 year-old, six foot tall, Chicagoan woman with a college degree. No beauty pageant winner. No superstar or famous rock singer. No multimillionaire or self-proclaimed genius. No Mother Theresa. Just Katie. And yet, because I believe and follow someone so much greater than any of these fleeting titles, I was able to witness a miracle first hand. A poor baby boy was given his life. And I was able to be part of it.
I have been waiting for today. Praying, hoping and begging that one day I would be able to write this blog. And I am practically jumping out of my chair just thinking about it.
I first laid eyes on Jayson at a free medical clinic in a poor Philippines village last March. His mom placed him in my arms and fervently started pleading for his life. She clung to me as I looked down at the starving child and begged that I would save his life. She had spent the past month watching him whither away to mere skin and bones and was desperate for a miracle. She was hoping that I might be that miracle.
I might not have much to offer, but I definitely serve a God who does. As we speak (or rather, I write and you read), Jayson is being cared for by another team of World Racers who have just arrived in the Philippines. He has been growing and gaining the necessary weight these past few months and is now ready for surgery! They will be bringing him to the doctor on October 2nd to work out the final details for his surgery.
My eyes fill with tears as I recount the emotions I experience every time I’ve been able to hold him while his mother looks on in despair. “Help my baby,” she has pleaded again and again. “Yes, oh yes, I want to!” I respond while racking my brain as to what I could do.
How can I leave this land behind when there is such a great need lying before me? How can I walk away while this mother sits by and watches her baby die? How can I share the LOVE of Christ and not choose to BE that love?
With this in mind, Billy and I made it our goal, our purpose, this last week to save Jayson’s life. We pleaded with God that He would provide a miracle. We were willing to do whatever it took. We were on a mission.
We compiled a list of local hospitals, organizations and Filipino contacts and decided to spend our first morning traveling around the city in the hopes of an answer. We were going to exhaust every option, turn over every rock, and tap every resource we could find before we left this country. And that’s when God showed up—Big time.
Before we had a chance to make one phone call, e-mail or house visit, God answered all our prayers. Read the following response that was made on the blog we wrote about Jayson.
Hi, This was sent to me by a colleague. I work with Operation Smile Inc, and am currently in the Philippines having just finished a medical mission in Cebu. Please get me the contact information for this family including a phone number and name of village/city. We would like to arrange to care for this child, free of charge.
Jimmy Grotting (the programs manager of Operation Smile Inc.)
“What?!” But God, we didn’t even do anything yet! How did he find our random, insignificant little blog? How can all our hopes and dreams for this little boy be answered in one second? The needed surgery, free of charge, and done right here in the Philippines!
To say that we are reeling in shock would be a complete understatement. To say that our God is GOOD doesn’t even begin to touch it. To watch Jocelyn’s face (Jayson’s mom) when she was told the news…we’ll never forget it. So join with us in rejoicing with Jayson and his
family for the life that has been saved!
Thank you Operation Smile. Thank you Blog readers. Thank you current World Race team. And THANK YOU GOD for saving this beautiful life.
Who in your life is hurting? Is there anyone who especially needs your care? You can make a difference! Ask God to show you what you can do – test him in this. I believed he’ll help you as he did Katie and Bill Swan in caring for Jayson.
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