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Jesus learned dependence and so must we

Jesus learned dependence
From our houseboat view on the lake tonight, the fireworks were fantastic. The rain threatened us for a while, but soon enough went away. The celebration was great. But tomorrow we’ll keep on celebrating – every day seems to be Independence Day in America. We prize our independence more than jus…
By Seth Barnes

From our houseboat view on the lake tonight, the fireworks were fantastic. The rain threatened us
for a while, but soon enough went away. The celebration was great. But tomorrow we’ll keep on celebrating – every day seems to be Independence Day in America. We prize our independence more than just about any nation.

fireworksIn contrast, look at Jesus – even as a 12 year-old, Jesus understood that he had to be about the Father’s business. Later in life, as a miracle-worker, Jesus’ dependence on the Father was total. “The son can do nothing by himself; he can only do what he sees the Father doing.” (John 5:19), “By myself I can do nothing; I judge only as I hear.” (John 5:30), “My teaching is not my own. It comes from Him who sent me.” (John 7:16).

Jesus modeled a life we as his followers are to imitate. If the Son of God had to learn dependence on the Father, then so must we. The Bible says God has stored up good works for us to do (Eph. 2:10). James 1:17 says every gift comes from the Father. Understanding this, if we are to do the good works the Father has stored up for us, we must learn to pay attention to what we see and hear the Father doing, and we must learn how to depend on Him.

How do we practice this dependence? We know that the Father is rescuing the lost, healing the sick, and setting the captives free. We might begin by asking the Father for His heart of compassion. Then we might ask Him where He’s working and how we can join Him.

Of course the real test comes as we step out in obedience based on what we see and hear Him doing. The more frequently we risk by trusting Him to show up, the more He’ll prove Himself trustworthy.

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