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Jesus with skin on – a tsunami story

Yesterday I wrote about an American teenager who, struggling to find his purpose in life, made a difference in reaching out to disaster victims. The ministry I work with, AIM, was involved in aiding Tsunami victims in India. After the Tsunami hit the coast of India, we worked with our contact …
By Seth Barnes

Yesterday I wrote about an American teenager who, struggling to find his purpose in life, made a difference in reaching out to disaster victims. The ministry I work with, AIM, was involved in aiding Tsunami victims in India.

After the Tsunami hit the coast of India, we worked with our contact there, Pastor Anand, to bring aid to the victims. He was so excited to be our hands and feet in southern India to the tsunami victims, despite their initial lack of appreciation. Here is the report he gave back to us:

“I was able to help 95 people with packets of rice, seasoning for the rice, blankets, cloth for clothing, and some clean water.

When I arrived with these items I was overwhelmed by angry people and had to get the police to help keep order. It’s winter time and it gets cold. The people are becoming desperate in their misery. ‘Why is no one helping us?’ They shouted. People were coming and falling at my feet begging for a blanket or rice when I didn’t have anymore to give out.”

Pastor Anand had the opportunity to talk to the group as many were asking where these things came from. He answered and told them, “God.” He reported that “many were shocked as they are Hindu and believe God is dead.”

“How did God give these things?” they asked.

“I told them God was NOT dead, that He was using his friends in the U.S. to help them and to give the money to buy those things because of His great love for them.”

He went on, “So many people are praying for you. Jesus gave you these things through the Americans.”

That cliche about being Jesus with skin on needs to be refreshed. Everytime I hear a story like Pastor Anand’s, it is refreshed for me.

They were so surprised, “REALLY?! Jesus gave this to us?”

“I was able to talk to them about what Jesus has done for them and many received Jesus. They were so happy and full of appreciation.”

The recipients of the goods said, “Please convey our greetings and appreciation to these people.”

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