Join me for a week of fasting & reflection

2009 is upon us; though, we’re still scrambling under the weight of all that 2008 brought.
And if you may find yourself still in coping mode, let me encourage you not to miss what an opportunity a new year can be to purge and reflect. Karen and I are taking this opportunity to go on a we…
By Seth Barnes
2009 is upon us; though, we’re still scrambling under the weight of all that 2008 brought.
And if you may find yourself still in coping mode, let me encourage you not to miss what an opportunity a new year can be to purge and reflect. Karen and I are taking this opportunity to go on a week-long juice fast and we want to invite you to join us. If you’ve never done a week-long fast and the idea intimidates you, a juice fast is a good place to start. Karen gave me a juicer for Christmas, so we’re actually looking forward to the week. When I last did this, it lasted 42 days and brought a number of breakthroughs.
In the cycle and rhythm of life, we need periods of “lying fallow” so as to recharge our batteries and restore our productive capacity. I don’t know about you, but so often I find myself down in the weeds of life, losing the big picture of what God is doing. All kinds of poisons can enter our systems when we’re down in the weeds – the poison of distraction, the poison of superficiality, the poison of busyness. It’s what a life crammed full to the brim does to a person.
God is always calling his people to times or seasons of purging these poisons from their lives. But fasting does more than this, it focuses our spirits and restores intimacy with our creator. The idea of a sabbath is in part God saying to man, “you need to recalibrate yourself as a spiritual being once a week.” God gave the entire community system and land a season of laying fallow with the Year of Jubilee.
Prayer and reflection are always good, but accompanying a fast like this, we can expect God to draw near and give us answers to questions we may have. We can expect to sense his presence more. And as we as a blog community reflect, we’ll be looking back and getting updates on people and situations that we’ve prayed for in the past. In particular, I’ll be catching you to speed on “where are they now?” for each of the following:
- Michael Angelo (3 year-old sex slave)
- Allan (11 year-old Kenyan orphan)
- My friend fighting the demonic (who 113 of you prayed for)
- Jennifer Smith (whose husband died while she was on the World Race)
- Other answers to prayers that we’ve been praying as a community (we need you to report in for this one)
Too often in life and in America, we do a one-off, praying for something but never finding out how God answered our prayers. It fosters a half-hearted faith and does a disservice to God, who may well answer our prayers after we’ve stopped praying them.
So, consider joining us for all or part of the week (Monday-Sunday). We’ve got a papaya, a cantaloupe, apples, grapes, and assorted veggies ready to go. And if a juice fast seems like too much, consider a Daniel Fast, where you stop eating meat and processed foods. A fast is often easier to do when you’ve got others joining you. Let us know if you’re in and feel free to share your prayers or answers to prayer along the way!
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I’m in! I have been thinking about doing a fast and will find it far easier knowing others are doing it at the same time with me. That we can gather as a community to share prayer and the answers He provides is an incredible encouragement to me!
For those who do not have a juicer you can buy V8, frozen juices, etc… to go on the juice fast. Also, a great addition is to drink “rejuvenate” juice which is nothing more than organic white or red wheat berries soaked in distilled or purified water for 12-24 hours, drain the berries, and you drink water. A great way to add enzymes to our already rich enzyme diet. Sounds like a cleansing – spirit,soul, and body! Yes, Lord…create in us a clean heart, and renew a right spirit within us. I will be a part… Everyone, please share your hearts during this time, so I can pray with you…
BTW…your spirit will be renewed,while your soul & body go through some changes 🙂
Heidi and I are both in. We’ve never done a juice fast before, so I’m off with Josiah to the store to pick up some V8 and other assortments. This should be a great experience.
We returned from our trip last week ready to move forward in life and life threw us a couple huge curveballs. Now we’re back to asking, okay what’s our next step again? This sounds like a great next step.
Seth do you fast from coffee also? What about exercise? Just curious questions from the newbie.
I personally don’t fast from coffee or exercise, though you may want to. When I fasted for 42 days, my energy was often low, but I was able to keep exercising.
I will join with you, gladly, Seth! I actually am doing a 21 day starting tomorrow, Monday. (working my way up to a 40) I will be praying and seeking and loving on Jesus like crazy! YES!
Wish I could, but I can’t! Physically not in a position to fast yet – a few current health problems that make it medically inadvisable. But I wish you guys well and look forward to hearing what God says to y’all and what He brings about out of it. Blessings on you, lol Cxx
I will add you to my prayers during the fast!
By God’s grace, I will do the juice thing for 2 meals a day.
We just started a 21 day fast today but will devote the first week to pray and fast along side of you.
Much love,
Francesco and Tami
Thanks St Mark!! All prayer contributions always gratefully received – been sick for most of the last 3 years now, so it is getting boring!!! Still smiling though :)) Wishing you well in your fast! lol Cxx
Were on board!!! Blessings to all:)
Glad to partner with you in this.. I will be doing the Daniels fast, for 21 days (yes, Jennifer, I’m in again). Thanks for reminding me of this invitation (had read it in the midst of a busy time, but know I want to do this!!).
🙂 Blessings, and may we all hear from our Father during this time of pressing in.
Being 4 months pregnant, I can’t fast on food…but I can give up Nintendo and TV for the week. And trust me…that is big for me. I’m in.
Carol, I hope you are able to read this…the Holy Spirit has really brought you to my heart womb of intercession today. I will continue to lift you and others up to the Lord.
I’m in Seth. I jumped on board yesterday. I don’t know if I’ll make it to Sunday, but Friday at least. I hope you’ll pray for me as I definitely have some questions for God, and I definitely need his presence. Thanks for the challenge.
i am building up to fasting for longer times without juice. 24hrs weekly for a couple weeks then i gradually transition to 2days…until i can fast for a week. but im joining you in prayer for spiritual renewal…for myself and the church.
About a year and a half ago I fasted for two weeksbasically anything with calories (except cream in my coffee). After that fast a friend asked me to go pray for a lady who was in ICU and not expected to live through the night. I went to the hospital and along with her husband I prayed a simple prayer. She appeared unconscious. I told her that the reason I was there was that I wanted to pray for her because Jesus loved her and wanted her well. She did not die that night and actually recovered! Praise God!
I would like to join you in fasting. One main reason is that my only son died in his sleep yesterday. My husband and I do not believe that it was God’s will for him to go to heaven at this particular time.
So we are believing that he will be raised from the dead. Of course, we understand that we do not fast to change God’s mind about anything, but we fast so we are more able to hear from Him as he speaks to us and directs us as to what to do and how to pray.
Thank you for your prayers with us in this regard.