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Join me on a vision trip to Cambodia

vision trip
Somaly Mam was nine when she sold into a brothel in Phnom Penh. Her life became a nightmare, but eventually she got out. So many girls never do. Something must be done to help them. The sex trade in SE Asia is horrific and in Cambodia it is particularly awful. Moms and dads pimp out their litt…
By Seth Barnes
angkor2 1Somaly Mam was nine when she sold into a brothel in Phnom Penh. Her life became a nightmare, but eventually she got out. So many girls never do. Something must be done to help them.
The sex trade in SE Asia is horrific and in Cambodia it is particularly awful. Moms and dads pimp out their little girls for retirement money. The more you delve into it, the sicker you see it is.
People who follow Jesus and have been set free by him have the opportunity to set these little girls free. For the last year, we’ve been building AIM’s sex trade ministry in Cambodia. This September we’ll be launching six new staff members there and Karen and I would like to invite a few of you to help us to do so.
We’ll begin by meeting in the town of Siem Riep, home to one of the wonders of the ancient world – Angkor Wat. And we’ll conclude our trip in Phnom Penh, learning about the ministry and the cultural issues that have made it possible. We’ll explore how we can make a difference in the fight against it.
Karen and I are going to take a small group with us on a vision trip. If you’re interested, please contact me and I’ll let you know more about it.
Dates: Sept. 2-10
Criteria: Be able to do something to help the team long-term. We’re looking for partners who can be advocates, donors, encouragers, and prayer warriors.

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