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Join the movement

Join the movement
God is on the move around the world. Years ago he started a movement of people who follow him. But the movement doesn’t look like what we expect. Here in modern society, we’re accustomed to programs that advertise benefits and recruit customers. Many of us have never seen or been a part of …
By Seth Barnes
God is on the move around the world. Years ago he started a movement of people who follow him.
But the movement doesn’t look like what we expect.
martinlutherHere in modern society, we’re accustomed to programs that advertise benefits and recruit customers. Many of us have never seen or been a part of a real movement. Maybe Woodstock felt that way. The 60’s saw an anti-war movement. There was the civil rights movement.
How about the church – do we have that sense of being a part of something that has taken on a life of it’s own? Something that feels like a runaway train? Or are we organizing whatever momentum we may feel?
The movement looks like something that has skin on it. When you’ve really bought in, you’ll die for it.
We all want to be a part of something bigger than ourselves. Few of
us are so self-important that we don’t feel our own smallness and
aren’t aware of the gaps caused by our inadequacies.

I’m always wrestling with this with AIM. We can be too organized and not nearly as God-directed as maybe he wants. For example, we have to begin relationships by connecting to people we don’t know. And when we post something to the web (like this blog) we always run the risk of looking a little shinier and more commercial than God ever intended.

How to retain our authenticity when we’re surrounded by all the claptrap of modern Americana? How to put the good news of the movement out there in the vernacular that others understand without selling out? For instance, I could say the following to get more of you involved:
For more specific opportunities to engage with the movement, follow AIM on Facebook. We bring you the up to date information first through this venue.   Maybe you take a trip with us, maybe you just read our stories.  Either way, we want to be in touch with you.

Like us on Facebook  and follow us on twitter

See what I mean? Maybe I’m putting information out there that some of you actually are looking for – but to others it feels commercial. Some people would say, “Yeah, it’s crass and too American.” Others would say, “No, you’re just reaching out to people where they’re at.”
What do you think? Have you ever joined a real movement – something that felt like it was God-birthed and directed? Something that felt so holy you knew it had to be God?
Isn’t it what we all want?

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