Journeys awaken your sense of wonder

Children start out life going on a journey of discovery – they approach the first waterfall, the first rainbow, the first trip to the aquarium with wonder. For an orphan growing up without privileges, it can be as simple as the first trip to a fast food restaurant, the first look in a mirror,…
By Seth Barnes
Children start out life going on a journey of discovery – they approach the first waterfall, the first rainbow, the first trip to the aquarium with wonder. For an orphan growing up without privileges, it can be as simple as the first trip to a fast food restaurant, the first look in a mirror, the first taste of ice. Their eyes grow wide and they exclaim, “Wow!”
Everything in life is new for a child; they are perpetually in discovery mode. The world hasn’t taught them to be cynical yet. They wake up to a physical reality in the same way that Jesus wants us to wake up to spiritual reality.
God put that sense of wonder in us just as he gave us the gift of
laughter and of tears. And he never wants our journey of discovery to
stop. Life may have slammed the brakes on it and tied us down with
responsibilities that we can’t escape in the short-term. But for many of
us, we are freer to leave than we realize. We may make the same sort of
excuses that Jesus heard, but deep down, we can’t escape the yearning to
continue that journey we started as kids.
laughter and of tears. And he never wants our journey of discovery to
stop. Life may have slammed the brakes on it and tied us down with
responsibilities that we can’t escape in the short-term. But for many of
us, we are freer to leave than we realize. We may make the same sort of
excuses that Jesus heard, but deep down, we can’t escape the yearning to
continue that journey we started as kids.
Knowing we have much to discover about his kingdom and knowing how hard it is for us to see new things, Jesus emphasized our need to come to him as children: “He called a little child and had him stand among them. And he said: ‘I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.'” (Matthew 18:2-3)
It’s easy to get stuck in life’s ruts, places where we’re trapped
by past experience, by expectations, by relationships. Parts of the
brain and spirit actually atrophy there. We need to break free
– we need to get out of those places of immobility and limited
imagination. We need to bungee jump something, trek somewhere; we need to cross a river on an elephant – our spirits cry out for experiences that will challenge us.
by past experience, by expectations, by relationships. Parts of the
brain and spirit actually atrophy there. We need to break free
– we need to get out of those places of immobility and limited
imagination. We need to bungee jump something, trek somewhere; we need to cross a river on an elephant – our spirits cry out for experiences that will challenge us.
Do you need a change of scenery?
Different surroundings, different people, different ideas? If something
inside you feels stuck and knows there’s more, consider that maybe what
you need to do is to go on a journey.
Different surroundings, different people, different ideas? If something
inside you feels stuck and knows there’s more, consider that maybe what
you need to do is to go on a journey.
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Time to go on a journey…. time to stop giving excuses. Alright Connie, let’s go!
Thanks you for posting this Seth. I can’t let past experiences or relationships hold me down. If I’m letting it do that then my mind is not opened up to the wonders of what Jesus can do. Onward and upward!
Go get ’em Connie!
This is a great post. It makes me want to dream bigger and move into action. Heather, Carl and I were just discussing this topic minutes before I read this blog!
I love seeing peoples eyes opened to new wonder. It must be so hard for some parents to let go of their “baby” to go see the world at their fingertips.
Ready Lord!!!