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Let’s start 2010 with a fast

One of the greatest needs we have is to hear God’s voice and get his direction. But sometimes we need to set aside time to press into him. I don’t know about you, but too often I muddle along, settling for half a loaf, not really pressing into God like I want to. New Years offer us a great opp…
By Seth Barnes
One of the greatest needs we have is to hear God’s voice and get his direction. But sometimes we need to set aside time to press into him.
I don’t know about you, but too often I muddle along, settling for half a loaf, not really pressing into God like I want to. New Years offer us a great opportunity to push life’s pause button and begin afresh. And I find that calling a corporate fast is often the best way to get the focus that I need.
So, let me ask you to consider fasting this next week and coming before God, asking for his his presence and for his direction.
If you’d like to join us in prayer or fasting, let me know and we can encourage one another with what God shares with us.

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