Luke 10 Extreme Team Challenge

Will the Luke 10 approach that Jesus gave to his disciples work in our modern day? A few people who believe that it will are going to put their faith to the test next year (as early as January). We’re calling it the Extreme Team.
In Luke 10, (see yesterday’s post), Jesus sent his disciples out…
By Seth Barnes

In Luke 10, (see yesterday’s post), Jesus sent his disciples out to visit the surrounding villages to bring hope. He didn’t let them take anything more than the clothes on their back.
It was an incredible spiritual high-wire act. Given their experience to that point, you’d expect them to flounder and fail. You’d expect them to return bedraggled and confused.
In fact, quite the opposite happens. They experience spiritual fireworks – exciting ministry success. They actually start to do the sort of thing that Jesus did. When they return to tell Jesus about it, a celebration ensues. Their faith soars.
The question is, “Does this stuff still work?” I’d like to see us give it a roll. I’m asking a small group of you to go out in the same way that Jesus sent out his disciples in Luke 10. This isn’t a program and there aren’t any funds to raise. We’ll do what Jesus said to do, following his guidance at each step.
A few of the places we may go: The Sudan, Pakistan, and Cambodia. I’ve been praying about this for years. Our World Racers get to practice it some, but this is another level. A number of you have expressed an interest. Feel free to get in touch using the comment section or here and I’ll send you information.
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Like I said, I’m in…dreaming about how to make August work…
Definitely another level. May God go with you as you go.
Awesome. I love how I hear Jesus say through you all the time, “Follow Me.” You’re a world changin wonder. Bless you man.
So you had me at Sudan……if only I didn’t think I was going somewhere else next year.
I’ll be praying for you all and this, sounds amazing.
Every time we talk about this, I get all fired up inside. Even on the Race, whenever you or Andrew would talk about this vision, I wanted to just drop all fo my stuff and go.
I know God is doing a lot in my life right now, and moving me into position for something. I thought I was going in a different direction, but talking of this again just sparks something inside of me that deserves some consideration.
I am really praying for clarity of vision and direction right now, so I will include this in those prayers and see what God says. I would love if you would also pray for that clarity for me. I sense that a big shift is about to happen, but I don’t know what it is. I would love your prayers and feedback on anything God gives you for me.
Seth, this is so great. I have been given an opportunity to do just this locally. We had already determined to give our own team this same challenge on Sunday. Perhaps those that wonder how to do this globally can start to do it in their own part of the globe. Like the disciples we can begin in the villages around our own.
Going out is really just answering the call that God has on all our lives. We are socially oriented. We are called to share what we have been given. We are made to do what He did. We are not complete unless we do.
I’m convinced this is the lull we feel when we return from a trip. We are not to stop doing what we do when we are THERE we need to continue to do it HERE. God does not expect for our ministry to end. He wants to ramp it up and give us even more places to serve.
Here we go…you always said we’d end up on the field…who knew it would be right here in my own world.
We’re in! When are we leaving???
It’s so exciting that you’re doing this!!! That passage has really struck me too and challenged the way I see mission and the way I see social action. I think Id tended to see it that you needed to go *with* something, either a skill to teach, or some resources with which to build, some wealth to share etc. Those disciples went with nothing but good news and the power of God and they bought rejoicing wherever they went. It wasn’t even their superior theological expertise, they just had faith. I wonder if we have too much of our own resources, that we forget what we really have, the most powerful thing, the thing the world needs most – Jesus! I’ll be with them in Spirit!
Awesome! This excites me. I don’t think I could commit to a long period right now of travel, but what about a week, 2 weeks in the U.S.?
What Kim said.
Also, what Neil said.
I suggest that everyone who is fired up about a shorter trip, perhaps here in the US or Mexico begin praying into it and get together somewhere in August.
Matamoros is a place where people respond to the gospel – i suggest praying into that.
I’m Amped about it.
Hey Seth,
Just wondering where things are at with Luke 10 trip. I am curious about Cambodia. Is that in the works yet? Please let me know as the Lord maybe revealing this for me as my next step after the race.
Hi Alissa,
Luke 10 trips are happening. One to India right now:
And a Luke 10 caravan thru the US starts in April led by Teri:
The Cambodia team is on site, learning the language and making a difference led by Steph:
If you email me, I can connect you with any of these. Others will be leaving this year and I’m writing a book about it.
I feel God calling me to this, So “Here I Am, ‘Lord. Send Me.”
This ministry is my heartbeat!