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Making room for mystery

Making room for mystery
Because of Future Shock – too much information coming at us too fast – we are forever looking for ways to simplify and categorize. In the case of many adherents of the Muslim faith, and too many Christians, this has rendered entire segments of humanity glassy eyed and unquestioning in the face of…
By Seth Barnes

Because of Future Shock – too much information coming at us too fast – we are forever looking for ways to simplify and categorize. In the case of many adherents of the Muslim faith, and too many Christians, this has rendered entire segments of humanity glassy eyed and unquestioning in the face of change.

I ran across a great quote that describes this phenomenon: adams20return

“It takes a contemplative mind to be content with paradox and mystery. The daily calculating mind works in a binary way; either-or thinking gives one a sense of control. The small mind works by comparison and judgment; the great mind works by synthesizing and suffering with alternative truths. The ego cannot stand this suffering, and that is exactly why it is so hard for religions and individuals to grow up. The ego prefers a satisfying untruth to an unsatisfying truth because the ego demands instant satisfaction and the settling of all dust.”


If this is the kind of quote that makes you think, and you consider that a good thing, buy the book, Adam’s Return: The five promises of male initiation by Richard Rohr.


Program note: 4 people signed up so far for discipleship. Room for a few more. If you’re teetering, give it a shot.


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