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Missing my national debut

national debut
A few months ago Focus on the Family called me up and did an interview for their weekend edition show. It went about 20 minutes and they chopped it into four pieces to air in each Saturday in August. Our family friend Julianna Slattery was my interviewer and did a great job; we talked about shor…
By Seth Barnes

A few months ago Focus on the Family called me up and did an interview for their weekend edition show. It went about 20 minutes and they chopped it into four pieces to air in each Saturday in August.
Our family friend Julianna Slattery was my interviewer and did a great job; we talked about short-term why they’re important missing and in raising your children.

I’m not a big media personality, so the kids were mildly impressed that I was going to be on the national radio. Our local station was going to air the program Saturday at 5pm.

When Saturday evening rolled around, the kids, Karen and I had gathered out on our porch and were trading stories, laughing and cutting up. The sun was setting and late dinner was still on the stove when it occurred to me – we had completely missed the radio program.

We all had a good laugh about this and continued to “focus on our family.”

A few days later, we found the radio program on line and listened to it. My kids love me, but my celebrity didn’t mean nearly as much to them as did the laughter on the porch.

Here’s a listing of the broadcasts from

  1. August 4-5, 2007
  2. August 11-12, 2007
  3. August 18-19, 2007
  4. August 25-26, 2007

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