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Mobilization ministry

Questions to Ask in 2021
Heather is going with five other young women to Cambodia to minister to bar girls caught up in the sex trade. She’s a good communicator and volunteered to head up our mobilization efforts. Here was her statement to me in an email tonight: “I love mobilization. But here is the honest truth: I h…
By Seth Barnes
Heather is going with five other young women to Cambodia to minister to bar girls caught up in the sex trade. She’s a good communicator and volunteered to head up our mobilization efforts.
Here was her statement to me in an email tonight: “I love mobilization. But here is the honest truth: I have no idea what that is.”
Welcome to the party Heather – a lot of people scratch their heads on the subject! But it’s a wonderful ministry that allows you to multiply yourself and help others to realize their purpose on earth.
I love helping folks figure out what God is saying to them about where he’s working in the world.  I was talking to a couple a few hours ago who have four kids and who are sick to death of their humdrum life. They are ready to make some radical decisions and just need a little guidance. Our conversation was mostly me trying to understand what God is doing in their lives. He’s doing the mobilizing – I’m just joining him.
So here are some pointers I sent to her:

1. Make a list of people you’d like to impact as you tell your story. You’re each going to invite them to join you on your journey.

2, Map out our plan for wooing their hearts. You’ve got all kinds of options: speaking to groups, blogs, Skype, videos, and vision trips for starters.

3. Set goals in each of those areas. One of the goals should be a plan for upping the quality of our communication.

4. Consider the people you don’t know but whom others can bring you. Ask others to help you. Getting them involved in the Great Commission can be life-changing.
I told Heather that AIM has the potential to mobilize hundreds of people thru Cambodia. What if we were to cast our vision for ministry to all of them? What if we were to involve them in ministry? What difference might it make in the sex trade if they caught the vision? There’s such leverage in thinking beyond your own networks and resources.
Have a mobilization story or idea? There’s nothing like helping people to get on board with God’s agenda for the world.

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