The First Encounter
I first heard about Jesus when I was 15 years of age, from one of my school teacher who was a Hindu earlier. The sudden changes in her made me question her new found faith. The religious piety inside of me refused to accept that “Jesus is God” since the Qur’an only says that “Jesus is no more than a prophet”. Unable to answer all my questions, the school teacher challenged me saying that one day I will meet Jesus and that she will be praying for that day. And she prayed for me from that day on.
“Try me I am Jesus”
December 1990, as I was sitting in a nearby park in the late evening, contemplating suicide due to the problems in my family and an uncertain future, that I heard the voice of Our Lord Jesus calling out to him saying “Try Me, I am Jesus”. The voice spoke again and again. My mind was now flooded with a host of questions as to why this voice was speaking, who is this Jesus, why should I, a Muslim, follow Jesus, who is a Christian God, and so on. I then was reminded of my school teacher who had shared the gospel to me earlier. I went to her house that evening and there gave my life to the Lord.
I was not able to keep my new found “way of life”, a secret. When my parents knew about it, all of the Muslim community came to know about it including my friends and relatives. Most of my friends started avoiding me. My relatives and the people from the mosque first tried talking to me and persuading me to “return to Islam”, later tried force and some even tried to threaten me and planned to kill me too. My mother tried witchcraft against me. But the lady who tried the witchcraft against me acknowledged that a greater power was protecting me.
My father laid all the riches and the luxuries amounting to millions, that could only be imagined, before me and asked me to choose between Jesus and the Riches. I resorted to seek the Lord. The Holy Spirit spoke to me through Philippians 3:7, “I consider it loss…for the sake of Christ”. As the Lord spoke, I made my decision to follow Christ and not the worldly riches.
My father denounced me as his son publicly. My friends and relatives forsook me. My mother and sister were against me. It is through the paths of disaster, hunger, affliction, poverty, rejection that the Lord chose to take me through. Yet the Lord was with me and never forsook me at all.
I am presently evangelizing Muslims and also conducting seminars for the church believers on Reaching Muslims for Christ. God spoke to me recently asking me to proceed to a country on the Arabian peninsula to share Christ.
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Praying for your friend, my brother in Christ… for his safety, his joy, his peace… for an abundant harvest on the work God sets before him… and renewing my prayers for others who still don’t know Jesus…
Praying for your missionary friend. Lord, give us the resolve to lay down our lives for our Jesus.
I always love hearing these stories. I really do, just another reminder of how huge our God is. However another thought kind of saddens my heart. How many Christians in America can turn away from everything else to be with God alone? I say this humbly as I live a very blessed and truly comfortable life. But I want to see some fire burning in this country for Christ! A lot more so than we occasionally get to come across…
it great to know what Jesus can do to the lives of people around the world,his word is true and he is ready to help in the war of life that we fight very day, it also important to know that life will pass soon, and we must be ready for the next life with God and all saints our brothers and sister that i have gone a heard of us by the way death. anyone who read this message, Jesus is true and one day he will come to judge the world, what do you do with your life? do you know your life is not yours? if you know Jesus he will shows you the purpose of your life.GOD BLESS I COULD LIKE TO HEAR FROM you
Love it! Praying with/for your friend for that area and for covering…..
I love the dedication of one to prayer, and how it can move mountains and hearts.
The SIMPLICITY of the truth is amazing. Love the story.
Dear Daddy Seth,
we will pray for your friend .May God bless him overthere for His glory.Emmanuel Sadiq
I love these stories, AND the Muslims Jesus is revealing Himself to need much prayer. I don’t know if your blog comment section takes links, but here’s a try. A very powerful, revealing story:
@Kathy, great video!
Great God!!! HE has the power to transform people’s lives.That made HIM GREAT GOD!
Pray for more lives to be transformed by HIS GREAT power to be a vessel for other’s change.Pray for more lives influenced by JESUS life as to influence others lives for JESUS.Praise GOD!
“But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, Even to them that believe on his name.” John 1:12
P. O. BOX NO. 3. TENALI- 522 201. GUNTUR (DT) A. P. INDIA
Dear servants of God
Greetings to you in the most precious name of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. Let me introduce myself that my Name is Rev. P. Ephraim, We have established a Christian Organization named “Society of the Prince of Peace” with the Help of some Faithful Christians. We established this society only because that we can proclaim the spirit of God in our Area. Some of our Gospel Teams have been Distributing the Bible free Tracts and Booklets in the particular centers Hospitals, Educational Centers and some Remote villages of our Area. By the Grace of God we are running a Christian Lending Library in my town since 1997. So many people are come and search the scriptures and saved their souls to our Lord’s kingdom through these scriptures. I will be able to succeed this program. So we request you please pray for my spiritual need and send some Bibles, Bible based material to my library purpose.
We have A Good Team of Youth 15 member, they are all involved Tracts distributions, street preaching and they are visit to some remote villages and proclaim the God’s words and distribute the free tracts and new testaments. So we need some more Gospel tracts and Library material to my area people spiritual help. Kindly consider my request and send the above material to me. We win some souls here through these materials. God bless you always. I am waiting for your kind reply.
Therefore Brother as you too know pretty well as all these services are Herculean tasks and as such, we are humbly and earnestly requesting and imploring that please kindly pray for the total augmentation of our respective ministry here in India . With pleasure, your physical presence here with us is highly solicited according to your tentative schedule and as per God’s Will. We will pray for your visit to India and its grand success. We do hope you may react peacefully and consider our this specific request with kind heart and also with prayerful outlook.
It is our humble request please kindly visit once our ministry website with pleasure.
See Our Web Site : –
Please pray for us as we pray for you. We shall await for your further the most valuable and prayerful response at an earliest with good anticipation and fervent hope.
We pray for you and your Family and also your ministry in my Regular prayers.
May God Bless U
Yours in His service forever
Rev . P. Ephraim
We have the living christ with us,dear brothers & sisters in is time for all of us to be awaken & smell the coffee..look we are at turning point in human history, what we asume to be ours, it does’t belong to us after all,including the very life we have..henceforth we should live for the crucified Christ not for this temporal life.
Hallo friend in Christ, be a little candle in the darkness surrounding you and be a morning star for the traveler when they were in the middle of nowhere.
Bless be the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,who had transformed me & for these who seek him,guys we do not have a lot of time on this planet,bless be the one whome the Lord finds him/her awake & alert by doing the work of the Master
“I will never leave you nor forsake you.” “Heaven and earth shall pass away but my word will not.” Dear brother in Christ, I know the Spirit of the Living God is with you and He will never let anything happen o you without His approval. Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” The Lord richly bless you. I will be praying for you for His guidance & protection in your blessed life. Shalom.
This Story that is posted is mine. I was touched by the Lord 25 yerars ago. My story is now published in a book format. To read the full account of my walk with Jesus, Plz follow these
“Try Me, I am Jesus”- A Muslims Journey with Christ
By Syed Ibn Syed
Available on Amazon and all other leading bookstores
That is wonderful, Syed Ibn Syed!
Hi syed ibn where ar u now want to meet u.
Hi Peter,
I’m not in the US … I’m in the middle east. If you want to meet me, then either you have to come or I have to come.
Where are you from ? Kindly let me know.
Thanks & Blessings