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I hope you can hear my heart Seth…we are all handicap and broken, and worse in some ways because we often “look” and “seem” normal. We spend so many hours making each other handicap or malformed because of enabling anything other than total obedience and discipled relationship to Father God and Jesus Christ. We excuse each other’s handicaps, attitudes, or sin because of someone did us wrong or something happened that hurt us. Isn’t it wonderful that Jesus didn’t say to Peter “…I know you battle rejection, you are impulsive, and don’t always think right…” He just said as you quoted “feed my sheep.” Thanks for not letting Leah be less-than, but recognizing even in her handicap(like my own) – she is more than a conqueror through him who loves her. Love you guys!
I have meet your wonderful amazing daughter Leah just a few weeks ago while in Matamoris, MX on a mission trip. We had been serving lunch to a church during the afternoon and when we where done, we were just hanging outside the church waiting to be picked up and I sat down beside her because she was looking so hot and tired that I decided to visit with her and try to cheer her up. We had an amazing visit that day then as GOD works we kept running into each other at various times during the week where we visited even more!!! She is an angel and I felt as though we conected and made a lasting impact on each others lives!!! GOD has made such plans for Leah and will use her to minister to others in so many ways I can feel all you need to do is to visit with her and you will see for yourself!!!!! The verse Jer:29 verses 11&12 kep coming to my mind when I think of Leah!! So thank you Mr.&Mrs. Barnes for listening to GOD and allowing him to have Leah in Mexico so I could meet her and learn to love her as a dear friend!!!!