My friend asks for your prayers to fight the demonic

I just got off the phone with a friend I trust. He told me a bizarre story, but he’s dead serious and needs your prayers. His brother-in-law, a famous entertainer, is being threatened by a close family member. This family member called my friend last night and said the following to him:
“I’ve been torturing and killing small animals for a long time. It always has given me a rush when I’ve done it. Well, I don’t get off on that anymore, and I feel like I’ve got to take it to another level. I’m tired of living vicariously through the evening news and school shootings and need to start my life for real.”
My friend said, “This is crazy. What are you talking about?”
“I know that I need to torture and kill humans. The prettier the family the better. I’m going to kill your sister and her husband and their kids. I’ve put together an arsenal. And I’ve told my doctor about what I’m going to do.”
“What did he say?”
“He asked if I’d done anything to act on this impulse yet and I said, ‘no,’ and he said, ‘Well then there’s nothing to worry about right now.'”
My friend said that throughout the conversation, this man’s voice was coldly rational. He doesn’t doubt his intent to murder his sister’s family. He requests prayer. He said this family member lives in a remote mountainous area in a shack and, since he hasn’t done anything yet, the police don’t offer any real protection.
I said, “Have you ever confronted a possessed person?”
He said, “No.”
I said, “Then we need to get you some real prayer backing.” I have experienced enough of the demonic on the mission field to know it is real. I have written about it in past blogs, wanting to awaken you, my blog readers, to the reality of the spiritual battle we’re in and the authority you’ve been given as a follower of Jesus.
Now I’d like to give you an opportunity to pray specifically for this family and this life and death spiritual struggle. This is a very credible friend who I absolutely trust. This is a real situation happening today. If you would like to pray for this family, please put your first name and email address below in the comment section. Your email address will be visible only to me. I will then send you regular email updates from my friend to help you pray more specifically.
If you are wanting to grow in your authority in Christ or you simply are moved by compassion, please join us in forming a prayer shield around this family.
For an update, click here.
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I’m in.
I’m praying… and will get this out to my prayer group…
I am just now reading this blog. I am praying though. and many people around me are praying.
I will definitely pray!
I will be praying!
I am praying!
We will be praying!
God can stop this. I’ll be praying.
I am praying!
I’m praying.
I am praying!
We will be praying!
On the top of my pray list!
i’m fighting the battle, too.
Count me in for prayer!
to hell with them…count on firepower from the island
Praying, praying, praying.
I’ll pray, get ahold of Derek Prince’s book, How to expel Demons and pray the prayers. Be diligent, stand strong, stay focused, believe, believe, believe, anoint your sister, go to your sisters family now and annoint them all and pray Rev. 12:11 over them and the entire home. Do not sit still, we will also pray. Go, if I find that you don’t I’ll be compelled to report it myself.
In Yeshua, Rivkah
i’m in and praying now.
put me on the list, please…i’ll pray!
AND call the local community mental health people for intervention. ?? This is a serious cry for help. In my state, there are ‘Help Lines’ and emergency interventions available. The fact that it’s a family member makes the cry all the more desperate and the help more available. If this person called the newspaper or the high school, the police would be all over it. As family, they may want intervention before detention but, if the prayer is for protection for them rather than for ‘exorcism’ for the person then it cannot be ignored. My prayer is that God mobilize resouces to protect both the family AND the person and especially whoever might be the alternative target who won’t see him coming.
Praying for God’s power to be released to free this man from his demons, and God’s proctection for the family.
Praying Also!
I’m praying.
Definitely helping to fight this battle with prayer!!
praying too
Reporting for duty!
Count me in! Prayer is the only way to combat this spiritual battle.
got it. praying too.
on it
Standing with you…
wow. crazy, def praying.
Wow. I’ll definitely be praying.
Kneeling with you in prayer (and will lift it up in our 24/7 prayer room wall!). Our God will deliver and have the victory!
i’ll tell the troops here in cairo too and we’ll all lift it up.
Join in the prayer!
Seth – just read this . Count me in . A.
I’m in too Seth.
Praise JESUS the demons bow in His presence!
Definitely in my prayers!
From South Africa
The devil is a liar, we are victorius!!!
count me in
I’m praying !
Will be praying!
While reading this blog, in my spirit, I read “Now I’d like to give you AUTHORITY to pray specifically for this family…. “. I didn’t realize until a moment later that I had read it ‘wrong’!
Already started praying
My family covenants to pray for your friend’s family.
WOW !!! Praying for sure. Along with prayer is there any legal protection or intervention that can be provided to this family?
Praying for sure!
Count me in.
I’m joining in prayer with you!
Joining the battle
Standing in the gap.
We call on the name of JESUS! The name above all names! All power and authority have been given to him. All must bow down. All are rendered helpless in the power of his might name!
We cry out to you Father. We cry out for freedom over this man. Pour out Your Holy Spirit over his body. We bind and rebuke the powers of darkness that have taken hold of this man. We plead the blood of Christ. We know that You are more than enough! You are victorious! We are victorious in You!
Freedom Father! Spiritual freedom! Release this man from the strongholds that have taken hold of his life!
You are a faithful God! Our trust is in You.
I will be praying!
I am certainly praying!
I’m praying
I’ll be praying, too and am sending it to another prayer group.
I’ll join the army..
Definitely want to join in protecting this family through prayer and helping free this man from possession. I will share this with my small group and we will be praying also.
I’m joining this battle.
I am praying.
Prayed & will pray. Lord, protect them!
Add me too.
Add me in on the prayers!
I’m in! Praying now, today!
I’m in too!
I did and will pray.
On point.
I’ll pray!
Will pray!
Please count me in.
Praying too!
Praying for sure!!
I’m praying now. 7:15 edt Mar.12
In the name of my Savior and King, my Captain, my Lord, the Great Healer who triumphed over Hell and Death, in the name of Jesus Christ I pray the devil be bound and cast down, that the people here involved would be under a complete hedge of protection, that they would have peace and know the Lord is guarding them and I pray that the man possessed by a demon would be completely set free. Amen. Hallelujah. Amen.
it may be a spiritual struggle on some level BUT it is the physician’s responsibility to report to the authorities what his patient has planned, specifically his intent to physically harm either himself or his family! who is the physician? The physician must report this to the authorities and if he doesn’t, he can/will be held accountable if his patient follows through on his plans. i will pray but honestly, this is truly unbelievable. he needs to be hospitalized NOW before it’s too late! i am praying for his soul and that your friend will contact both the physician and authorities IMMEDIATELY!
This will be in My prayers
Praying the full Armor of God is worn tightly by your friend…
Continue to Fight the Good Fight,
Mark & Tracy
I’ll pray, too.
Definitely praying!
I’m swinging my sword…
I’m in.
I am praying
WoW!!! My prayers are going out!!
my roommate and I will pray
Our prayers will continue until we get an answer. Our weapon is our prayers.
I am excited about this fight, and I am confident in the authority of Chirst. I’m in!
Sorry, I just read this now & will be praying.
kelley told me about this, seth. i have been praying, and will continue to do so.
i’m praying too
I just found out, please count me in as long as needed.
prayer and fasting
my brothers and sisters we must all work together to fight this devil that is consealed within this human lets all pray
my brother i am here with out a doubt
Dear Heavrnly Father, you are the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. You are the Ancient of Days, Almight Warrior, Great in Battle. Heaven Father, incline your ears to our prayers. Heavenly Father, bible says “Not by might, nor by power, but by Spirit says the Lord of Host (Zec 4.6). Lord, pour out the fullest of the Holy Spirit on this family and every prayer warrior. “Our gospel did not come to you (us) in word only, but also in power and in the Holy Spirit” (1 Thes 1.5).’But you (us)have an anointing from the Holy One” (1 John 2.20). “I can do all things thru Christ who strengthens me” (Phil 4.13). Father God, I pray. Make my tongue a ready writer to fight the battle against the enemies of this family. Thanks Father for anointed me the Holy Spirit.
Heavenly Father, I praise and worship you. You are my rock and my salvation. Lion of Tribe Judah, raise in your Glory aganist the enemies of this Family. Bible says: “Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all” (Ps 34.19). Lord, delivered this famliy out of hands of their enemies in Jesus Name. Bible says: “But the Lord is faithful, who will establish you and guard you from the evil one” (2 thes 3.3). Lord, you are faithful. I beseech,Lord, establish this family and guard them from the evil in Jesus name. Bible says: “And the Lord will deliver me from every evil work and preserve me for his heavenly Kingdom” (2 tim 4.18). Heavenly Host, I prayed delivered ths Family from every evil works and preserve them for your heavenly kingdom, Jesus name. Lord of Lords, King of Kings, how great thy Holiness and Beauty of your salvation. Bible says: “If God is for us, who can be aganist us? (Rom 8.31). Father God, you are for this family, who can be against them?” Greater are you, Heavenly Father in this Family than any enemies in the world. Bible says: “For I will contend with him who contends with you” (isa 49.25). God of Host, contend every foes, enemies, and evil human whom contend with this family. No weapon form aganist this family shall prosper. Every evil tongues that rise against this family in jugdment God of Heaven and Earth will condemn it (isa 54.17) Lord, I pray plead their cause, o Lord, with those enemies who strive with them. Fight against those who fight against them (ps 35.1). Bible says: (Do not be afraid of their faces, for I am with you to deliver you says the Lord.” (jer 1.8). God Almighty, says do not be afraid of the your enemies’ faces, he is with to deliver you. Lord, you delivered this family, Jesus name. Thanks father, you have deliver them out of all their troubles. (ps 34.17). Glory be to God. Heavenly father, bible says: “The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him and delivers them” (ps 34.7). Lord, send you battle archangels to encamps all around this family and archangels continue to deliver them in this earthy and spiritual realms from the enemies this time and forever more, In Jesus name. Bible says: ” They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, By word of their testimony, they love not their life until dead” (Rev 12.11). I plead the blood of Jesus Christ over these prayers and this family. I Plead the blood of Jesus Christ over this Family’s lives, jobs, education, financil, cars, business and every area of their lives in Jesus name. Father Lord, I tahnkf you this answered prayers. :”ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full” (John 16.24). Thank you Lord God for this prayers for our joy is completed in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. In Jesus name I pray. Amen..
Psalms 68:1-3
I’ll pray.
Count me in!
We all need to pray!