1.Pray always. Seek the Lord with all your heart. Seek His counsel. Seek His provision.
2. Rejoice in all things. Think positive. Think success, not failure. Beware of a negative environment.
3. Understand your call and how God made you. Seek God for specific goals. Write them down and develop a plan to reach them.
4. Focus on your call. Don’t let others distract you. Stick to your strengths.
5. Have faith. Trust God for His work. See with the eyes of the Spirit.
6. Learn from your mistakes. Evaluate past efforts; analyze details. Make changes.
7. Innovate. Challenge thinking. Constantly seek to improve.
8. Never stop learning and growing. Get training, read books, acquire skills.
9. Develop your people skills. Learn to understand and motivate others.
10. Be honest and dependable. Take responsibility. Pursue integrity.
11. Work with the best. Demand excellence of yourself and your coworkers.
12. Be persistent & work hard. Never give up. Run the good race.
Seth –
Wow! You hit all the high notes with this list. Living by these standards challenges us to do more than just get by. It inspires us to live in such a way that our lives become marvelous music in our Master’s ears.
I needed to hear #4…thank you.
Any news on World Racers blogs needing a mediator of some kind??
Great stuff Seth. I put that in my Palm to read regularly.
Good thougths. Thanks for reminding me of some things I have forgotten. I appreciate what you do for the good of many.