New direction for this blog

For the last few days our blog community has had some good dialogue about re-purposing the blog. Most blogs exist to share what C.S. Lewis has termed “sheer information.” This blog is ambitious in that it attempts to create an informal community and activate its members. God didn’t intend for us …
By Seth Barnes
For the last few days our blog community has had some good dialogue about re-purposing the blog. Most blogs exist to share what C.S. Lewis has termed “sheer information.” This blog is ambitious in that it attempts to create an informal community and activate its members. God didn’t intend for us to sit on the sidelines – he wants us to make a difference. Many of you have all the information you need. You’ve heard so many sermons that you’ve got spiritual heartburn. You know that “faith without action is dead,”* you’re just struggling to get traction to your action.
The thing about a community is that people like to hang out. And hanging out is a righteous thing. But this blog needs to be not so much a lounge as a way-station for people in their journey higher up or further down. If you need a boost to get where God’s taking you, maybe this is a place you can find it.
Some things that are helpful to know about me if you’re in this blog community: I’m a pioneer and a fire-starter. I get things going and then move on. I’m a catalyst – I help show people various corners of the world and what God’s doing there. And I do so in the hope that they’ll do the same for others.

Since then, he and his wife Heidi have lived with a heightened awareness of the kingdom. They’ve opened their home up for weekly prayer meetings. Yesterday he emailed me with the revelation that they already are missionaries. They don’t have to wait to be sent, though they expect that that too will happen.
So many others of you are, like Gabe and Heidi, in some stage of activation. Like them, you don’t need much to get to the next level, but you at least need peers who can encourage you and pray with you.
What I’m hearing God say is that this blog community is a good thing, but that it needs to become less a “pastor-led” model and more of a team effort. Many of you have much to impart and have offered to help (see comments here and here). So, here’s the plan: I’ll share as God gives me something, but beginning June 20, when we officially launch the re-purposed blog, a team of people will step up and take a bigger role in activating people. I’ll be confirming their involvement in the next week or so and will share some of their stories with you in the future.
In general, the blog has become most vital when it has functioned most like a community or church. On a couple of occasions, when I asked for prayer, over a hundred of you responded. And along the way, many of you have felt the liberty to reach out for help and have received ministry through our community. At times as we’ve connected with one another or even with God, we’ve sensed a certain renewed urgency in our walk of faith.
That’s what we’ll be shooting for as we go forward. And to hit that mark, we’ll need many of you to continue to share what God is doing as he activates you to partner with him in making a difference around the world. I look forward to what’s ahead and want to thank you for going with me on the journey.
*James 2:17
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Kathy and I are intrested, so let us know how we can pray, serve or contribute to the re-purposing.
Nice to see what Gabe looks like!! Re-direction sounds good to me. Give it a shot, who knows where it will lead, eh? Good stuff.
Hey Bro…I am interested in being a part….here I am Lord…send me…
Count me in!
You are supported in whatever you do, Seth! You are loved, respected, and covered.
I look forward to what God is doing with this, because I know that I know, you’re a listener. This will just be one more way to raise people up… as you do so well!
Bless you, Seth Barnes!
Hey Seth thanks for your constant encouragement as we seek to be kingdom seekers and kingdom bringers up here in Ohio.
Seems like God is renewing His work here on the blog, building a movement! It’s exciting stuff to be a part of. I’m really grateful for this hub of people who are hungry for more than the average Christian experience. I need to constantly rub shoulders with the people on this blog and look forward to meeting more of them online or in person.
Now, as a disclaimer, to Carol and everyone, to know what I REALLY look like just add 15 pounds and subtract much hair from that picture! 🙂
This is exciting!
As Seth mentioned, this blog (and AIM’s ministries) have been a huge part of what God has done in our lives over the last couple of years. It seems like God has used things on all sides in our lives to push us out of our comfort zone and into more Kingdom living, even though we don’t know exactly how that looks or what to do. God seems to reveal the steps to us in His timing (which I find very slow… I can relate to many of the comments about transitions being SLOW times!). But one thing is for sure- I keep feeling more and more out of step with our “American suburban Christian peers”. This blog and the community with it have given me hope that we are not crazy and not alone in this!
I am ready to participate more in however this blog community fleshes out. I appreciate those of you who do comment regularly and keep the dialogue going. Count me in more too.
*Carol- for the record, if you would see a more updated picture of Gabe, you will agree with me- he looks better than ever:)
Hey, Heidi and Gabe – I think you’re going to have to post a more recent picture then!!! LOL xxx
I’m excited to see how the next several months begin to unfold!
Personally, I don’t know who you’ve done it on a daily basis for so long. I think I have ADFD (attention deficit focus disorder) or NTRMATSFS (Need To Rotate My Activities To Stay Fresh Syndrome). I have a blog, but it is a challenge to share on a daily or regular basis.
AIM is full of such unique and gifted people that can add incredible insight and difference of perspective on the same topic. I know I have really enjoyed reading World Race blogs and watching videos produced on the field.
I don’t know how many times, late at night I will wake my wife up to share with her something that Seth wrote, or to watch a video by Katie Rowland, or to tell of a joy or tragedy.
I look foward to seeing how things grow. Who knows from here how many more people like Gabe may be touched!
Of course I am not a member of AIM, but I am a believer in AIM, love how God is using AIM, absolutely love the World Race (wish I was 22 years old again so I could do it), and am a prayer for AIM.
Hey, Gabe & Heidi ,
Greetings!We pray for you and God will use you mighty power for His glory.You have great heart for other.Thanks for your all wondeful aprayer support for our ministry and specially fininace support for the pakistani orphans.May God bless You.
We daily pray for you,your family,your ministry,your country and your visit in Pakistan.
God bless You.
Emmanuel Sadiq
I love to write and would love to help!
I’m excited to see how this is going to work out! 🙂
Hi Seth,
I enjoyed reading this.
I’ll be here in Lenoir, NC for the coming months and if I can help I’m glad to.
been away from the computer a few days. this is great news! i’m looking forward to seeing this take shape, and if there’s anything you need from me besides watching and seeing things happen (and praying of course), just let me know!