Steve Jobs, the most powerful businessman of modern times lay dying. His sister sat beside his bed as he caught his last breaths. Here was a man who had revolutionized five separate industries during his lifetime.
What made him special was his ability to see over t…
By Seth Barnes

Steve Jobs, the most powerful businessman of modern times lay dying. His sister sat beside his bed as he caught his last breaths. Here was a man who had revolutionized five separate industries during his lifetime.
What made him special was his ability to see over the horizon and then build what he saw.
Would he share any last words with the world before he left it? What would he say?
Would it be symbolic, like the dying Orson Welles in Citizen Kane? (he said, “Rosebud”).
Would it be witty like Oscar Wilde? “My wallpaper and I are fighting a duel to the death. One or the other of us has to go.”
Jobs’s sister shares his last words in the New York Times:
And then he breathed his last.
Of all the last things you could say, “Oh wow” may be most Jobsian. His whole life was a big WOW. This man who had seen it all, who had caused the world to say “Oh wow!” over and over again, experienced something in dying that surprised him as he had surprised others while living.
Who doesn’t want to live a WOW life? We want our lives to count, to be in some way meaningful, even impressive.
How appropriate that a man who began his adult life exploring the metaphysical realm in Buddhist temples should conclude it by reporting what he saw from the other side as he was translated to the metaphysical realm.
We’re told that we’ll walk on streets of gold. Those who die and are resuscitated report that Jesus himself meets them as a white light.
I’ve chosen to try to live my life in that light. Living to put bread on the table or pay off a mortgage is not enough.
What about you? Is what you’re living for worth dying for? Is there something about your life that will make the world say, “Wow”?
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Meaningful and powerful to me today, thanks for sharing Seth
Amen 🙂 this blog gives me peace, as I was just crying out to God for answers and direction. It’s an answer in a funny way, but that’s how God works. So grateful for my life. So grateful.
I’m terrified of the possibility of crawling through life only to arrive at death safely….Steve Seth this came from on of your other blogs and I cannot remember Steve’s last name. It is our family slogan, Bless you and your family this Christ mas. Frank III
I’m trying to live my life these days by counting all the WOW’s. There are so many more to be had. Thank you.