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On being spiritual

being spiritual
Floyd McClung wrote the following: “One can be a missionary and be unspiritual, and a businessperson and be deeply spiritual. One can avoid attending church on Sunday but be an active member of a disciple making community that worships on Friday nights, and be s…
By Seth Barnes

Floyd McClung wrote the following:

“One can be a missionary and be unspiritual, and a businessperson and be deeply spiritual. One can avoid attending church on Sunday but be an active member of a disciple making community that worships on Friday nights, and be spiritual. The day of the week you gather with other believers does not make one spiritual. Being like Jesus does.

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Pseudo-spirituality is attractive only if we don’t experience true life. Pseudo-spirituality seeks growth from establishing false boundaries, ways of guaranteeing spiritual growth. The boundaries we establish are often highly visual but relationally superficial practices that allow ourselves a modicum of security in regards to being ‘spiritual.’ But Jesus taught that we are not to be conformed to religious rules and sub-cultures, but rather to be transformed by simple faith.

True spiritual faith is dangerous because there is no way to guarantee one has it. No religious practice, no belief, nothing can produce such faith. Such faith is a personal response not a practice or belief. Sometimes orthodoxy is over-rated. Faith is trust in a person, not espousing a set of beliefs.

How do we guard against pseudo-spirituality? By recognizing its ugly presence, not in others, but in ourselves. Pseudo-spirituality occurs when we seek the appearance of being spiritual. We can tell its root system is growing deep in us when we become judgmental, exclusive or proud.

Our spirituality is inauthentic if we become less approachable human beings as our responsibilities in life increase. Think about Jesus.

We are pseudo-spiritual if our spirituality is not resulting in us becoming more like Jesus. He is the true standard. To be spiritual is not to be weird.

True spirituality involves death, but not imposed death or shame-based death. To be truly alive we go through a death process to what is not real or alive or truthful in us. To be free is to die to our false self.”


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