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Our Cambodia team

Cambodia team
There are 10 of them now and we expect 20 or so to be there by the fall. Most of them are fresh out of college and have committed to minister in Cambodia for at least two years. Yes, it’s tested them, but overall, they’re having a blast. While their friends got entry-level jobs back home, they…
By Seth Barnes
Patang dinnerThere are 10 of them now and we expect 20 or so to be there by the fall. Most of them are fresh out of college and have committed to minister in Cambodia for at least two years. Yes, it’s tested them, but overall, they’re having a blast.
While their friends got entry-level jobs back home, they took off for a country most had never been to.
Having established themselves in Phnom Penh, they are staying busy:
  • reaching out to girls trapped in the sex trade
  • learning Khmer, a new language
  • learning a new culture
  • living in community
A few months ago, we had a crisis. Our two leaders had to be away for a couple of months. In their absence, everyone stepped up.
  • Mere began to pastor the team.
  • Laura became the point person for half the team.
  • Elise handled finances.
  • Amarja filled gaps.
Cam walkingWe had a lot of reasons to not start when we did. Our training wasn’t up to speed. We hadn’t done a team like this before and had only short-term experience in Cambodia. We were still developing our sending systems.
But I’ve found that there’s nothing like experience to help you learn. And we’re committed to learn.
Meanwhile, every day that we’re there is another day where those caught in the sex trade are being set free from their hellish lives. I like the fruit.

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