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Parents Vision Trip

Questions to Ask in 2021
I'm on a World Race parents vision trip in Kenya. It's beautiful here on the green escarpment of the Great Rift Valley. Forty parents and their 27 racers are with us and we're having quite a time. Sometimes the atmosphere is electric – the racers having lived so much life by month…
By Seth Barnes

I'm on a World Race parents vision trip in Kenya. It's beautiful here on the green escarpment of the Great Rift Valley. Forty parents and their 27 racers are with us and we're having quite a time.

Sometimes the atmosphere is electric – the racers having lived so much life by month 9, the parents eager to join them in what they're learning. Both parents and racers experiencing the kingdom and diving deeper in their relationship.

For a long time we wondered if it could work. Some racers aren't ready for it – they are still processing too much. But by waiting till near the end of the race and then giving them the option to invite their parents or not, we struck the right balance.

So now, we've decided to make these parent vision trips a standard thing on every World Race. We let the parents know at the outset that their racer may or may not invite them and not to feel bad if they're not invited.

But the trips are a lot of fun for all. You can see it in the accompanying video. If you're the parent of a racer, I hope to see you on one!

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