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Photo contest: Last week to enter

Photo contest
It’s been a good week for the blog. I began by sharing how I was feeling led to re-purpose the blog. And many of you responded. We had some dialogue and a number of you stepped up and volunteered to help further develop the community that has gathered around the blog. We re-launch on June 20, th…
By Seth Barnes
Nsoko boy 2It’s been a good week for the blog. I began by sharing how I was feeling led to re-purpose the blog. And many of you responded. We had some dialogue and a number of you stepped up and volunteered to help further develop the community that has gathered around the blog.
We re-launch on June 20, the week I go on vacation. If you’re interested in helping, we’ll need three kinds of people: those who write, counsel, and pray. The writers might come up with a couple of blogs a week, and the counselors and prayer people will care for those who come seeking healing or help.
The idea is to help our readers move beyond complacency to develop an activist faith.  Toward that end, regularly we’ll put opportunities like the photo contest out there for you to respond to.  Here’s an update on where the contest stands:
With a week to go in round one, it’s a wide open field at
present. Over 200 photographers have entered, but unfortunately many of
their photos, though wonderful, don’t meet our four criteria of capturing a soul, a moment, a place and a ministry. So If you know someone whose photos are awesome, get them to
enter – to qualify they need at least one photo entered by June 15!
Entering is simple – read the rules here.
Check out all the entries at .

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