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Portrait of a dying country

I’m on a Swaziland kick in this blog like I was in a Cambodia kick in my life in 1980. When a country goes through its death throes, at a minimum, its grief must be observed and honored. And while its living and dying is for Swazis alone to do, someone needs to call attention to the profound huma…
By Seth Barnes
I’m on a Swaziland kick in this blog like I was in a Cambodia kick in my life in 1980. When a country goes through its death throes, at a minimum, its grief must be observed and honored. And while its living and dying is for Swazis alone to do, someone needs to call attention to the profound human tragedy taking place.
My conviction is that we, the citizens of God’s kingdom, must move from horror to action.
This video by Brian and Stacy Alonzo on our World Race team (there now) does as good a job as I’ve seen of giving an overview of the situation.

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