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Wow, that is an awesome video. Thanks. That reignited and refocused me. Maybe our trip over there earlier this month really did mean something after all.
Support Brian and Stacy Alonzo, they rock!
God is calling all of us to raise it up, to touch lives, listen and He will direct you….us.
This is a great video! I do miss Swazi already.
Anybody else NOT seeing the video where it should be…just a white, blank space?
What an awesome video…the combination of the pictures and the music is POWERFUL! Love it.
Might I use this for part of my presentation next week in my church? I will have a few moments during the service and an extended time afterward where I will be able to show my photos and tell some stories. I think this video would be a great way to introduce Nsoko and the situation in Swaziland within the few moments I’ll have in the service.
Just wanted to let you know Seth that we continue to pray, as a family, about our role with these children. God will speak and we will follow…”to the death”