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Prayer saves a life in L.A. yesterday

Prayer saves a life
Abortion as a national discussion is too often abstract and polemical. Yesterday a life was saved in Los Angeles – that is real. When my coworker Mark heard that a relative was going through with an abortion tomorrow, he prayed about it. Something inside him said, “NO! Go to Los Angeles!” So Mark…
By Seth Barnes

Abortion as a national discussion is too often abstract and polemical. Yesterday a life was saved in Los Angeles – that is real. When my coworker Mark heard that a relative was going through with an abortion tomorrow, he prayed about it. Something inside him said, “NO! Go to Los Angeles!” So Mark dropped everything and went to the Dallas airport and got on a plane. It seemed crazy.  He had no way of knowing if his relative would even meet him.

But he did. In Los Angeles, they talked and prayed together. And then, a miracle – the abortion was cancelled! Later Mark reported: “they had definitely been in a fog and never even considered any other options. Some of the lies they were told by the abortion clinic were ‘abortion is self-defense,’ and ‘it is a necessary evil.’”

Which brings me to a larger point. Why do I emphasize listening prayer? It’s because often, Jesus has very important things to say to us. He spoke to me today and said,
“I take no pleasure in the death of anyone declares the Lord. Repent and live!” Ezekiel 18:1. But Mark needed more than a Bible verse, he needed to hear, “Go to Los Angeles!” It was the difference between life and death.

What we at AIM teach on our projects is not just a key for abundant living; in some cases, it may be critical for life itself. Mark’s example of listening and obedience is an inspiration to us all. Some of you may be going through life having never heard the voice of God. Relax – you don’t have to be super-spiritual, he’s eager to have more than the usual prayer-monologue with you. He’s a personal God.

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