Questions that I asked God

We held a retreat at the home of some friends the last few days. We had a blast hanging out together. We did the things that God wants us to do to replenish our spirits. We worshiped together, quieted our hearts and did some listening prayer. It’s a great time of the year to do that, just prior t…
By Seth Barnes
We held a retreat at the home of some friends the last few days. We had a blast hanging out together. We did the things that God wants us to do to replenish our spirits. We worshiped together, quieted our hearts and did some listening prayer. It’s a great time of the year to do that, just prior to all the activity that September brings.
The Lord began by showing us passages in the book of Galatians: “Live free, unconstrained by the opinions of others, with no need to impress men. Don’t feed the compulsions of selfishness. Live creatively.”
In response, here are a few of the questions we asked God. And I’ll share a few things that I sensed he was saying to me.
“Lord, who did you set me free to be?”
A beloved son. A dwelling for my Spirit. A liberator. Eph. 2:19-22
“What did you set me free to do?”
Be a mirror to reflect my glory to the nations. Eph. 5:8, “For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light…Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.”
Where did you set me free to go?
To places of pain. Your tribe is in the nations.
* * * * * *
We went around the room and shared what God had spoken to us. We prayed for one another. We encouraged one another. We rediscovered the John 10:27 principle: “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.”
Do you know the voice of your shepherd? How long has it been since you took the time to ask God a few basic questions and really listen for his voice?
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Ah…I am printing this one…as I am heading out the door to pick up my daughter for her commitment that was the catalyst for me in not being able to join you.
There were other things I spent my time on these past few days, but they weren’t “things” they were people, including a long uninterrupted visit with my mom that I haven’t had yet since she entered her new short term care facility. I can’t call it rehab; it is a nursing home and we need to bring her home, but until our home is ready, I will spend time with her there.
Peace to you all; I will join you next time.
Be it of command, rebuke, comfort or caution, His voice is the sweetest experience on earth.
So happy for this time of refreshment and focus for you all. So sorry we missed this time! Hopefully there is a next time?