Raising the Dead on the World Race (#4)

Raising the Dead on the World Race (#4), March 2010
As Matt and Dan rode towards the town of Jinja on the back of the boda bodas, they saw a man surrounded by a group of people, laying on the ground to the left of the road.
As the bodas slowed, the man, who was covered in blood, came to his feet. He’d obviously been hit by a car or thrown off of a boda, but seemed OK.
The drivers kept moving. As the boda bodas came around a slight bend in the road, Matt and Dan noticed a motorcycle laying there. Its pieces were strewn across the road.
As the bodas slowed, a young girl of about 7 years old came into view. She was wearing a pink dress and her face and arms were covered in blood, but she at least was standing.
But just past her, a group of about 15 people were surrounding something else on the road. The boda bodas stopped in front of the group and a small boy, also about 7 years old, came into view. His body
was laying in the middle of the road.
He was lifeless.
“He’s dead,” they thought.
A man shook the boy, trying to bring him back to life, but he lay limp.
Dan and Matt pushed through the crowd to get to the boy who had a four inch bleeding bulge on his forehead. His mouth and ear was spilling blood.
“Once we pulled up I was scared, shocked, and felt useless. I was looking at a lifeless child. A million things started to create a wall in my mind. Then God busted through all of the feelings and said, ‘hold on, I’m bigger than that… pray.’ So, I did.” Matt said.
Matt prayed as Dan looked around for a ride to get the boy to the hospital.
It was then that Austin arrived on another boda boda that was coming from the other direction. Austin jumped off of the motorcycle and immediately ran to the boy.
“The kid’s dead,” Dan told him. But Austin didn’t accept that verdict. He sensed what God had shown Matt and joined him in praying for the boy to come back to life.
Dan told Austin that someone in the crowd was willing to take the boy to the hospital. The two of them and another man carried the lifeless boy’s body to the car.
“Do you feel a pulse or see him breathing?” Dan asked Austin.
Austin had been continuing to pray. He stopped his prayer mid-sentence, looked up, and simply responded, “No.”
But then, as they laid the boy in the backseat of the car, the miracle began. Austin pulled his sweatshirt off and put it under the boy’s head. As he did this, the boy’s chest started to rise and fall.
He was breathing! God had brought him back!
Austin and Dan couldn’t believe what was happening. As the car left for the hospital with the boy inside, they looked at one another and realized they had just witnessed a resurrection. God had answered their prayers!
A few hours later, Dan and Matt were at the hospital again to pray for the boy once more. They found him, his mother, and his close family friend there. They were told the boy, Trevor, and his sister, Precious, were both hit by a boda boda.
And they both survived.
The family is Christian and the family friend who was there is a pastor. Dan and Matt explained what had happened, that Trevor hadn’t been breathing when they’d first arrived, but that his breathing came
back after they started praying for him.
As they prayed for him again, Trevor began to move his fingers and his eyes started to flutter. His mother, Sarah, thanked God and thanked them for praying for her son.
They promised to keep Trevor and Precious in their prayers, and walked away knowing they’d experienced the miraculous ability of the Lord and prayer.
Marissa later followed up with this blog about what happened to Trevor…
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The story of the gospels of Jesus is resurrection! Powerful articulation of that here. Blessings!