Receiving our spiritual inheritance

The Pharisees confronted John the Baptist and his response was profound, “A man can receive only what is given to him from heaven.” (John 3:27) Later, Jesus himself says, “The Son can do nothing by himself, he can do only what he sees the Father doing.” (John 5:19) This is a principle Henry Blackabee wrote about in Experiencing God.
God has good works laid up for us to do (Eph. 2:10). He exists outside of time and already knows what they will be. These are gifts He gives, but all gifts must be received. They are our inheritance, part of our calling. The question is, “Will we take the time to perceive what the Father is doing so that we may join Him in it?”
In 1991, God placed in my spirit the desire to build a training center for Mexicans. I prayed about it and got others to pray about it. Three years later He gave us the property and first buildings and two years after that, He told me that that very day the training center would happen. My job was to receive it.
That afternoon, the center was birthed as I met a man who brought 34 young people to be trained. A decade later, we have trained hundreds of Mexican missionaries and planted hundreds of churches. But it was something the Father was doing, not me.
As fathers, we love for our children to join us in doing stuff, whether changing the oil in the car or cooking dinner. What is it that the Father is doing that He wants you to join him in? Don’t miss out on your spiritual inheritance.
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“What is it that the Father is doing that He wants you to join him” my first response to this statement was what Jesus disciples said “show us the Father” his reply “…anyone who has seen me has seen the Father…” this was said because he only did/said what the Father spoke/showed him. Let us all be the same…doing and saying what Father God says to us in our listening time. Also, let us be sensitive to the Spiritual Fathers who are speaking as he speaks, and are about his business – let imitate the life of Christ in them.
But what happens if indeed you have already lost your spritual inheritance, what then,what do I do??????????
I think what struck me most about this post was the time it took from receiving the vision to experiencing the fruition of it. EVERY time I come across another account of God’s work my immediate thoughts go to “how did they stay with it for so long?” Too easily I get caught up in the Present rather than the Faithfulness of God and the servant. I pray that I would not lose sight or grip on the inheritance because of my lust for seeing the result now rather than a few years ahead.
…and I thank God for you sharing this account. I pray that there are many more to come.