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Report on your aid to the persecuted church in Pakistan

Three weeks ago I wrote a blog about how a Muslim mob in Pakistan burned the homes of a number of Christians. Seven of them died. Their names: Hameed Masih, 50 , Parveen 50, Akhlas Masih 40, Asia Bibi 19, Imama Bibi 22 and Musa 7. Here are their pictures at right.
My spiritual son in Pakistan, E…
By Seth Barnes

My spiritual son in Pakistan, Emmanuel Sadiq, is an activist. He saw this tragedy and immediately realized that something had to be done. We collected over $1865 from you blog readers for those who were burned out of their homes, money that we sent on to Emmanuel.
This past week, Emmanuel bought a bunch of food with the money. He trucked it into the neighborhood where those who were burned out of their homes moved and gave it to them. He just sent me some pictures of their trip. In his report, he said that another 30 families still need help. if you’d like to give, click on this link and the link “Pakistan orphans.”

House after house was burned by the rampaging mob. This is all that was left. Victor Arthur told Emmanuel, “Police were there for the protection, but when the mob marched toward the Christian residents, police didn’t stop them. The residents fled, but 7 people were alive set on fire.”

Emmanuel talking to a family whose home was burned. Mr. Shahbaz told him that the mob was not local people. They belong to the Islamic militant group Sipa–e-Sahaba from Jhang. He said, “They covered their faces with veils. They used the latest weapons. They threw petrol bombs and fired indiscriminately.”

Handing out the foodstuffs that you bought.
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Good morning Seth.
Jesus invites us to be spiritual “activists” where sometimes doing “something” is better than a linear plan and lot’s of analysis and study. AIM and its affiliated enterprises has often reflected that ethic. You are a “commando like” organization. And this powerful story is another example of that. I have often wondered what it would have been like if the “planners” had gotten control of the feeding of the 5,000. Those poor people would have died hungry.– Blessings friend.
good update emmanuel!
Is it an accident that today my Bible reading came from James 2:14-26 which says in part, “Dear brothers and sisters, what’s the use of saying you have faith if you don’t prove it by your actions? That kind of faith can’t save anyone. Suppose you see a brother or sister who needs food or clothing, and you say, “Well, good-bye and God bless you; stay warm and eat well” – but then you don’t give that person any food or clothing. What good does that do? So you see, it isn’t enough just to have faith. Faith that doesn’t show itself by good deeds is no faith at all – it is dead and useless.”
Hmm… think I’ll click your link to give… the economy has many of us hurting right now, but nothing compared to what our brothers and sisters in other parts of the world suffer…
“When, Lord, did we…?”
“I was hungry and you fed me.”
See you soon.
Fantastic to read the update – thanks.
Thanks for the update, Emmanuel (and Seth). I will share it with our kids in the morning. They have been praying daily for the Christians in Pakistan since we heard about what happened.