Responding to the magic kingdom

This blog is dedicated to Seth and Karen Barnes, Andrew and Mo Shearman, and Michael and Kathy Hindes. Thank you for teaching us about KINGDOM.I’ve discovered a Kingdom since the start of the Race. It’s not technically visible to the human eye, but during debrief on a little island in Thailand, I was given some 3-D glasses (otherwise known as teachings, but whatever) to help me see this Kingdom, and I chose to put them on. Suddenly everything about this Kingdom seems to jump out at me in new, bright colors. (It’s a pretty wild kingdom, actually; people do crazy things like sing songs on beaches in Thailand in front of lots of curious passers-by…and that’s just the beginning, really).
The coolest thing about this Kingdom is that I can find it anywhere–borderless, it can be anywhere in the world.In fact, there are little pieces of it scattered across the nations, and even to the ends of the earth (though not all the ends yet). This Kingdom is far and wide and deep and long. Some glorious day all the pieces will come together…
I am a citizen of this Kingdom. I signed my citizenship into it by making a choice to live in it for the rest of my life, in service to the King. Citizens of this Kingdom come in all shapes, sizes, colors and costumes.
You see, this is the Kingdom of GOD. Its King is Jesus Christ. And guess what? I am a little, living, breathing piece of the Kingdom. I carry this Kingdom with me, inside of my heart and soul and spirit, EVERYWHERE I GO. Whether it’s in a friend’s house in my hometown in North Carolina, or on a beach in Thailand with curious passers-by, this Kingdom is a traveling one. Actually, it even fits inside my World Race backpack. …(Because I fit inside my World Race backpack, and the Kingdom is in me. …Get it? Got it. Good)
You see, when I gave my life over to Christ, I made a CHOICE. I chose to let HIM take control. I chose citizenship of a Kingdom that will last FOREVER. The kingdoms of this earth will soon fade away, but I am a citizen of a Kingdom that will never fade! Its King lives eternally.
We ARE Kingdom, because the King lives inside of us, (if we make the choice to let Him.)
So I’m going to shut up about my humanity and my needs. I’m going to get up out of my comfort zone. And I’m going to GO lay claim to land for my King!
“Your Kingdom come, your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.” That’s what Jesus instructed his disciples to pray. Do you mean it when you say it? …I do, now.
I hope you’ll join me as a citizen in this Kingdom. It’s a WILD place to be!
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Hey fellow heir of this kingdom – here am I!!!!! This is better than the Chronicles of Narnia!
YES… and YES YES YES and AMEN…good work Katie and thanks for raising the bar for all of us!!!
Praise the Lord, Katie!! I am lifting up you and your team tonight… (and the other teamsMichelle M, you’ve GOT to read my email!). Compelling and challenging, all of the words here. I sit and lay before the Lord crying and asking if He wants me to go. What does He want from me, beyond what I gave today. Thanks!
So grateful for what the Lord is doing, and awed to know and share life with you, one of his immortal, radiant saints. We love you, Katiebell!
Katie, the way you have embraced God’s call on your life is so inspiring to everyone who knows you! I’m praying for you and all the World Racers!
katie, Tommy and I are jumping up and down celebrating the fullness of the Good News of the Kingdom penetrating you and walking out through you and your precious teammates. You guys carry the living God and make waves through eternatiy along your path. Our community is forever impacted by you guys! Eddy went to be with the Lord last night. We love you so much!
“the father(mother) of a righteous man woman) has great joy. he(she) who has a wise son(daughter) delights in him(her). May your father and mother be glad; may she who gave you birth rejoice!” Proverbs 23:24-25
as kt’s mother, i am blessed. i am glad! as the one who gave her birth, i rejoice! =)
praise God for the work He is doing in and thru kt and all of the world racers.
thank you seth and karen for pouring into them!
pat rowland
you’re welcome, Pat. You done yourself proud with Katie. She is a constant pleasure for us to be around.
BRAVO! So awesome to see another Dauther of the King step up and walk in her legacy! This is your heritage, girl…your inheritance. Covering you in prayer today!