“Do not worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time you will be given what to say…” (Matt. 10:19-20)
Roger McCormick was sharing his testimony and in the middle of it, he said something that stopped me in my tracks:
“God didn’t want me doing safe ministry anymore.”
Whoah. I’d never heard that phrase before. Safe ministry – what is that?
- It’s pre-planned.
- You know the outcome in advance.
- It has a schedule.
- Asking God for guidance may be an afterthought.
- It’s scripted.
- It’s printed on bulletins.
I realized, it’s the kind of ministry that I’ve been doing for much of my life. First some songs, then the welcome, then the announcements, then some more singing and a sermon. It’s all wonderfully predictable and safe.
I like safe ministry because “success” is not in question. I can predict where we’re going and don’t have to wonder about results.
When you read Matthew 10, you see how Jesus wants his disciples to learn how to depend on him. They take nothing. They don’t know where they’re going or if the people they meet will run them out of town. There’s nothing safe about it whatsoever.
It’s not that God likes unpredictability, but he does love the intimacy that comes when we depend on him. He loves it so much that he’ll take away all our props and leave us feeling naked, unprepared, and possibly confused about whether he cares about us.
What has been your experience with safe ministry? What would it take for you to try ministry that felt risky?
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Good word brother…I cried out for over 36 years “Lord, I want to be so dependent on you that you are my everything” Well, he answered and put us into “real” full-time ministry where we live on less than 1,200 a month and run a family and ministry on a daily basis having people in and out of our home, preaching/teaching/discipling… Sometimes truly not having no food until someone brings it to us… I asked for it…and yep, biting, scratching, pulling of hair(what’s left), and kicking against the pricks…but I love it. And truly he gave me my heart’s desire – to be dependent on him. I am seeing lives changed…mine first! good word Love you
Great word! I have to remind myself that the Lord loves providing for us and for us to totally dependent on Him! Even when I think I should be taking a more proactive approach in my day-to-day living, he says I love to provide for you even down to having enough gas to get back and forth! Great word and I love the previous comment too!!
Safe ministry gets boring. Dependence on and obedience to Christ can be scary, but exciting. Yet also…costly. Then if my eyes are not fixed on Christ, as Peter’s was when he walked on water, I prefer the comfort of the boat. The danger is wanting to stay in the boat. My reliance is not only on Him, but on Him to sustain an adventurous heart to want to know Him better, and see Him everywhere I go. No. Matter. What. “Choose this day….”
Frankly, nothing Jesus did was safe.
I’m not sure how I got lost in the safety and security fairy tale…
But, I’m learning the walk with Jesus is about DYING to self – total and absolute surrender – reckless faith that says YES in my spirit to all God is and has for me.
I’m also finding something else in this death…life…life that I could never have had without death.
I’ll take this full life over the risk of losing a safe and secure lifestyle.
God is my strong tower and my refuge…
Great word brother…That is where I am at right now!!! Can’t play it safe no more…Ouch!!!
we need to talk
Hey Hans – let’s catch up
Thanks Seth for inviting me to experience an unscripted ministry journey with you and your team.