Setting streetwalkers free for a day

It all began with a dream. A dream to become a nurse. A dream to help people who are suffering with illnesses and give them a hope for a better future. That was the dream of a girl working the bars in Patong when she used to live with her family right outside of Bangkok.
But then reality set it that she was going to be the one to provide for her family, she would be the one to send her sisters to university for a good education, that her own parents would send her 12 hours away to sell herself in order to provide. And this girl, being selfless, turned her back on her dreams to live a life of instant gratification for men and lifelong torment for her. Does she want this life? Absolutely not!
This is the woman we have been building a relationship with. She is 22 years old and works every night in the Bars. Her sense of humor lights up the room and her joyful spirit is an inspiration. People naturally flock to her and want to be around her. I know that is how we have felt about her! So day after day of going to the bar to see her we asked her what a perfect day would look like for her. She told us lunch, a movie, and then karaoke. We told her we would love to do that with her and we will take her out to do that. She agreed!
New Year’s Eve day was going to be our day to show her a good time outside of the bar. A day to feel human again and free. We wrote on her hand before we left the bar that night to meet us at 11am back at the bar. So yesterday we got there at 11am like we said we would. 11:20 rolls around and no show, a thread of disappointment ran through us but we did not lose hope. We decided to call her, no answer. 10 minutes later the phone rang… it was her! She said she got held up with a customer but was on her way and wanted to see us! We couldn’t help but jump for joy, while at the same time our hearts broke. Broke for what she has to be put through everyday because her family sent her to do this thing.
Around noon she came down the street. She saw us and had a huge smile on her face. We asked her how she was doing? She told us she was tired, especially since she just spent the last week in the hospital with dengue fever. But we were determined to have a good day and spend quality time with her. The day started with some authentic Thai lunch at her favorite place in Patong. After we went to the mall and were going to see a movie. She was supposed to clean the bar at 2 and she told us she would call her boss to see if she didn’t have to come in.
That way she could spend the day with us. He told her no, that she had to come clean, especially since her customer didn’t keep her as long as the rest of the girls from the bar. Again disappointment ran through, but still a sense that God had His hand all over her and her life. We walked her back to the bar, gave her a hug, and she looked at us with longing. Longing to stay and just feel alive, feel as if she doesn’t belong to a man for a price, rather a human being who is truly worthy of love, time, and genuine affection. We told her we would come back to the bar tonight and see her then. She agreed and off we went.
Last night we went back to the bar. We all got really excited to see each other. We ordered our Cokes and just chatted with her for a while. I asked her what do I have to do so you don’t have to be here tonight, so that you can just have fun and relax. She said she didn’t know… so I asked her if I could buy her for the night, especially with it being New Year’s and she could come down to the beach with us to celebrate.
She said, sure! I just would have to pay the “bar fine” as payment for taking her away, but at this point it is just money. Her life is worth so much more than that! I just desire for her to keep feeling human and not let this day end with her at the bar. She willingly left with us! SHE LEFT WITH US TONIGHT AND WALKED OUT OF THE BAR!
We walked down to Starbucks and met up with our whole group. We all walked down to the beach. Hundreds of lanterns and fireworks were in the air! It was beautiful and to top it off she was with us! New Year’s celebration was full of joy.
outside of the bar, and have an awesome time. A night of feeling real
and enjoying life. Life more full then the empty life at the bar.
Life started with a dream and tonight Alison asked her to dream again.
Alison asked her for her New Years wish…
So, if you want to help, let me know. It costs so little to make a day like this happen. Why not give a bar girl her dream today?
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wow wee.
thank you, seth.
One day SOON we will do this in conjunction with Beauty4Ashes!
We’ll pay the cost for them to be on retreat with us for a couple of days … and God willing, we’ll find some ways – whether it be through IJM or something local – to take the next step for those who are ready …
Love the idea of providing some temporary relief and love. It’s a ministry, for sure…
Sorry… your comment form isn’t fond of me today!
My friends at Linwood House Ministries do just that. They’ve partnered with a local ministry that teaches vocational skills and ESL, so the women and girls have somewhere to go when they decide to take the huge risk to leave the bars. It’s an amazing, powerful (and heartbreaking…) ministry. And the need is so massive. If you’re feeling the leading, run with it!!
Yes, yes, yes!!!!!!
I almost got involved fulltime in underground rescue ministry for girls like these 20 years ago, but won’t be surprised if some day it does become a fulltime ministry. For now, ministering on behalf of orphans, many who would be sucked into this sort of life if not cared for, is one way I can do my part. Always open for new avenues though.