Shedoesn’t know it yet, but her mother is dead and her father is not around. In fact, no one knows who her father is. She has beautiful
brown eyes, and skin and hair. She is 4 months old now, and has been living at the private orphanage we’ve been working with this month for her entire life. But she won’t be able to stay forever.
Her grandmother won’t sign her over to be adopted, instead opting to have her raised in an orphanage, so she can visit when she feels like it. When being the operative word. She is in limbo right now. She isn’t given up or taken in. Good thing she doesn’t know it yet.
These comforting walls will eventually be replaced by a large white washed concrete group home. These caring hands will be replaced by who knows what. Her warm crib could become a cot, or a tile floor. Will she be hugged? Will they tell her she is beautiful? Will they hold her when she cries? Will she ever know that she is loved. Will she ever know God?
She doesn’t know it yet, but heartache is coming. Yet while she is within an arms reach of me, no matter for how long, she will stay wrapped warmly and fed regularly, cuddled and coddled and cooed at. Because for now, she’s here. And now is what really matters.
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For all of us, now is what matters…make the most of the moment you hold now, no regrets, embrace, love and be the hands and feet of Jesus to those you touch.
Oh how God’s heart must break over these stories!
ok, where do I sign up?
These are the stories that break my heart. “Oh Jesus, please raise up an army of young people to make a difference. Use me oh God to lead and bless…”
Incredible. I love how Stacey tells stories.