Sports are more important than Jesus

Parents have a blind spot that we need to talk about. Yes, there are a lot of things we could do better, but can we just look at a biggie today without getting defensive? OK, why is it that we are willing to spend hundreds and even thousands of dollars on extracurricular school activities (mainly sports) and yet complain about spending money for a mission trip?
Some of us are just too concerned with getting our kids into sports programs when there is little chance of becoming a professional athlete. The problem is one of priorities: we neglect a huge part of our children’s spiritual development.
People are going to put their money behind their priorities. When we invest in sports while neglecting our children’s spiritual development, what does that say about our priorities? It’s a sad fact of life in a post-Christian society.
We want our kids to grow up to be decent human beings; we want them to be nice people who do moral things. Maybe we’ve calculated that going to church a couple of times a week will accomplish that.
By contrast, to excel extracurricularly, the price is high and everyone else is already paying it. Bottom line: sports are more important than Jesus.
The trouble is, Jesus never set it up this way. He said, “The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.”
His point is that we sell out completely and it’s joy that causes us to sell out. If you’re radically saved and are experiencing serious, God-given joy, then the issue of priorities, of sports over Jesus, is not an issue.
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I am a hard core student and though I have never enjoyed any sports I have ever been forced into I have had to overcome the pressure to put school over Jesus. This was a hard lesso for me but now that I have straitened out this sin I feel that on days when I have “too much homework” I have to go to chruch to be able to do that, I have to make time to pray and if I can read 5 chapters for school I can read my Bible too. This is what keeps me going and it whomps to see so many of my Christian friends struggling with the same thing. Many of their parents wont allow them to go to youthgroup as a punishment for not completeing their homework on time. We fellowship just fun and games this might make sense but I know that in my youth group we study God and pray for eachother and that is our focus not hanging out and having a good time. SO I just ask that everyone take a look at accademics too. God calls us to do our best at everything we do for His glory and this should be applied to our jobs and our educations, wherevre we are at, and so what I am saying is not an excuse to do poorly in school. But education about science, math and English could never be more immportant than the educataion the Holy Spirit will give us if we are willing to attend His classes.
Sarah K.
great point from Sarah. The bottom line comes from Jonah 2:8, “Those who cling to worthless idols forfeit the grace that could be theirs.” Sports can be an idol and so can academics.
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