Starting a fast & updating Allan’s story
The fancy juicer Karen gave me for Christmas stands gleaming on the counter. We have assorted fruits waiting at the ready and we’re beginning to prepare to focus on quieting ourselves and seeking God for all that he has ahead for us in the new year. If you want to read more about it, see yesterd…
By Seth Barnes
The fancy juicer Karen gave me for Christmas stands gleaming on the counter. We have assorted fruits waiting at the ready and we’re beginning to prepare to focus on quieting ourselves and seeking God for all that he has ahead for us in the new year. If you want to read more about it, see yesterday’s blog. We’d love for you to join us. And a number of you have said that you will.
That said, frankly, I don’t like the start of a fast. Initially, you’ve got to fight your stomach and your mind. It’ll be good to move beyond that stage…
OK, I said that this would be a week of looking back and coming full circle on a number of people and situations we’ve been praying about this past year. Here’s the first:
Recently we’ve been praying for Allan (an 11 year-old orphan whose story I told in three blogs). He needed a home, preferably in an orphanage, and he needed money to pay for it. The great news from Kenya came in this email I received yesterday from one of our leaders:
Allan has a new home.After an amazing move of God, I am happy to announce that Allan can now call Kitale Challenge Farm home. We were able to get him placed this morning literally at the same time that the team was set to leave for Uganda. He is being supported on the help/support as you can basis. We have committed to wiring $500 early next week, and the remaining $500 in 3 months (details to come).I am currently on the bus with the team to Kampala as things get started. I will then be in Nairobi on Monday. The $500 we are wiring comes from people like you on this blog who wired us money to pass on to Allen. Together we made a difference in Allan’s life.
For years, I have asked my children to “give” me an orphan for Christmas. This Christmas, many of you gave Allen the gift of life. All I can say is how deeply I’m touched by your generosity. Thank you.
Read more about the conclusion of the story here.
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This is fantastic news – I am utterly delighted! Praise God for Allen’s new home. lol Cxx
Great news of Allen! And yes, I juiced this am….please pray for me to get “quiet” area with 10 people living here, school, my father, death in family a lot going on. However, we do not get to “set” up our circumstances for fasting or living. We rest in his provision even as Corrie & Betsy Ten Boone did in Ravensbruk.
I will be praying with all of you, especially Carol…
Yesterday, my wife and I also started a 21-Day fast. Since it coincides with yours, we will happily link together our faith with you and your readers, believing for breakthrough and praying for your AIM. God bless.
Juicing it with you! Hey my buddy laid down cigarettes yesterday. Please pray for him!…………………..Tami<><