Os Hillman has got great insights into the Scriptures. Here in an excerpt from one of his blogs, he describes what often holds us back in our spiritual growth.
One day God took me through a time of testing that led to a discovery of generational influences that impacted the way I viewed people…
By Seth Barnes
Os Hillman has got great insights into the Scriptures. Here in an excerpt from one of his blogs, he describes what often holds us back in our spiritual growth.
One day God took me through a time of testing that led to a discovery of generational influences that impacted the way I viewed people and circumstances on a subconscious basis. I discovered this was a stronghold that had been implanted many generations earlier. Because the stronghold operated on a subconscious level, it was not easily recognizable.
Strongholds keep us from being free to reflect Christ in and through our lives because they require allegiance until they are dealt with. Strongholds can often be so hidden that we would not even identify them as evil. A stronghold of fear, control, rebellion, insecurity, idolatry, pride, or bitterness may be hidden until it is revealed through circumstances.
All strongholds are built in our lives as a result of seeking to meet one or more of seven basic needs God has created in us. Once we believe a lie that God cannot meet a need without our effort, we open our spirit to a stronghold. The more lies we believe, the more we invite these strongholds to take root in our lives.
Are you ineffective in your Christian experience? Are there besetting sins that seem to recur in your life? You may find that satan has built a fortress in your heart that has been there many generations. You must ask God’s forgiveness for entertaining this stronghold, and you must renounce it. Then as Christ renews your mind and heart, you will see Christ’s power released in your life like never before.
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Thank you Jesus for your forgiveness!!! Another great blog!!!
what are the 7 basic needs that God has created in us that he needs to meet. I know I can probably name a few, but just in case there are some I am missing or some that I am mistaken on . . . I would like to know. Reading this has convicted my heart to examine my life a little more closely. . . .Thank you uncle Seth.
Hi Kristen. Actually, I usually think in terms o 5 basic needs. I describe them here:
Happy new year.