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Study shows good dads make a big difference

Study shows good dads
Happy Father’s Day! As I’ve traveled the world, I’m amazed at how few good fathers there are. In many parts of subSahara Africa, they are not even around. In countries like Moldova and Russia, it’s normal for them to be drunks. In Cambodia, many sell their children into the sex trade. In Amer…
By Seth Barnes
Happy Father’s Day!
Jumbo KriekAs I’ve traveled the world, I’m amazed at how few good fathers there are. In many parts of subSahara Africa, they are not even around. In countries like Moldova and Russia, it’s normal for them to be drunks. In Cambodia, many sell their children into the sex trade. In America we do OK on a relative basis, but too many fathers are absent or are raising little narcissists. Around the world the lack of fathering is appalling.
That’s why when, on my trip last week to Minnesota, I see good ones like Dwight Buller, father of nine children, I want to celebrate them. Dwight puts his children to work on the family farm. They understand the importance of God, family, and personal responsibility. He and his wife Peggy have raised their kids to have a kingdom worldview that includes mission trips. Dwight understands the importance of hard work and strong values. And his children are growing up healthy and secure.
A study by the journal Child Development underscores how important dads like Dwight are.  It shows that good fathers make a big difference, citing the specific area of sexual behavior.
An MSNBC article summarizes the study:

When it comes to preventing risky teen sex, there may be no better deterrent than a doting dad.

Teenagers whose fathers are more involved in their lives are less likely to
engage in risky sexual activities such as unprotected intercourse,
according to a new study.

Tamis dadThe more attentive the dad – and the more he knows about his teenage
child’s friends – the bigger the impact on the teen’s sexual behavior,
the researchers found. While an involved mother can also help stave off
a teen’s sexual activity, dads have twice the influence.
Why is it that good dads make this kind of difference? Did you have a good and did he make this kind of difference in your life? I’m interested in your thoughts and stories (I’ll even post your Dad’s pic if you send it to me).

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