One of
the top regrets people (men especially) have before they die is “
I wish I hadn’t worked so hard.”
I’m a hard worker and don’t want that be a regret I take with me to my grave, so every now and then I take the afternoon off to do something fun. A couple of times a year I take the staff to the movies. In the spring, Karen and I will throw parties out on our lawn. And Lake Lanier is nearby – an afternoon of water sports can be a great way to get refreshed.
This past Friday I grabbed some of our apprentices and took off for the nearby mountains.
Hiking to Duke’s Creek Falls: Emily, Amy, Jacinda, Heidi, Matt, Amy, Ryan, KK, & Leah.
At the falls, they posed for the requisite picture and tried to find my favorite tree in the world.
After the hike, I had three surprises for them. One was to get their favorite pastry at a German bakery.
The Alpine village of Helen is full of surprises.
I need to redefine how I look at productivity. Afternoons like this one help me properly align my life. I like the motto: “Work hard, play hard.”
How’s your work/play balance? When was the last time you took the afternoon off? What did you do?
good job on investing in the apprentices. bad job on remembering to invite me! just kidding, love you, looks like ya’ll had so much fun.:)
also, what were the other two surprises?
I’m in a hotel room in Saratoga Springs. My husband is still sleeping w/our little dog Sophie beside him (pet friendly hotel).
I was googling and hit upon your article on Listening Prayer. I immediately grabbed the hotel Bible (Honey Word, NLT) and started a time of prayer. My Scripture was Psalm 46:1 ~ God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in time of trouble.
I read the entire psalm and went into about a half our of listening. I got a deep sense of peace and some concrete direction.
I was googling looking for a church service to go to and came across one that said, “friendly, relaxed, no weird stuff.” That threw me. Probably a seeker-friendly church. I’m not sure what weird stuff they’re talking about. I know I feel or have felt a dryness in church. Maybe even dead bones. I’m talking evangelical church. Wonder what today’s seeker sees in Christianity that comes across as weird?
Anyway, I felt refreshed after listening for half an hour. I’m going to start a listenig journal.
Glad to hear that, Nike.
If you’d like, I’d be happy to send you a copy of my book on listening prayer to guide you.
Hope you find some fellowship that encourages you today.
Ah, what a fun, life giving afternoon that was. Thank you for taking the time to invest in us and do something fun with us! Same time next week, right? 🙂
Next week I’m on the beach in Thailand.
You guys need to come up with a N. GA bucket list. Amicalola Falls and hiking to Blood Mountain for starters…
There will be water wars in the summer.
Hey! I’m jealous with a capital “J” (LOL) Sure you all had fun. Taking such time out bring wholeness. Thanks for doing this and leading by example.
We’ll be good followers.
I’m glad you got to spend some time in the woods!
Blood Mtn is a great day hike, I would start from Woody Gap and get the big climb from the south and leave a car at Neel’s Gap.
As much fun as a group hike is, take some time to hike in solitude. Alone time in the mountains is how I stay sane and connected to our Creator.
Good encouragement Seth….