The Blind See and the Lame Walk
On the first World Race Chad Mast had never seen God heal before. What he saw God do amazed him. Here is his original post.
The Blind See and the Lame Walk, May 2007
“The blind receive their sight and the lame walk; the lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear; the dead are raised up and the poor have the gospel preached to them.” Mathew 11:5
We pull up to a town on the way to our open air outreach and the Lord leads me to the passage above. This was the second passage that I had received in the same day about the blind receiving sight so I was very blown away by the passage.
Would this really happen? Would the Lord allow me to see healings right before my very eyes? I believed and was ready for anything the Lord wanted to do.
We arrived at our location.
The plan was to have worship music for an hour, then preach and invite people to Jesus and then ask if any wanted to be healed.
Herb came to me and asked me to preach the message so I jumped at the occasion.
During the worship I was situated right behind a boy that was blind in one eye. Was this the boy that the Lord wanted me to lay hands on? I asked the Lord to bring that boy to me when we asked for people to come forward for prayer. We continued to praise and worship as nearly a hundred and fifty people piled in.
The music lowered and it was time for me to preach. I asked the Lord to take control and once again He took the drivers seat as the Holy Spirit dropped. I shared the saving grace that only Jesus could bring and right before I was about to give the invitation for people to receive Jesus, a guy on a motorcycle came roaring in out of nowhere.
This guy was either drunk or crazy because he came right up behind the crowd and started doing donuts, taking everyone’s attention off of the event. I prayed to the Lord and asked Him to take this man away.
This man got off his bike threw his hands in the air and yelled for a couple of minutes and then returned to his bike and took off. Praise God!
Right as he took off and we brought the attention back to the event the power cut off and we had no lights. I told Herb to take control and just yell and ask those who wanted to ask Jesus to come into their lives to repeat after him. At least 60 to 80 hands went flying into the air as the power kicked back on and everyone was crying out for the Lord to come into their lives.
After we gave the invitation Herb asked if there were any sick in the audience that wanted prayer.
Immediately hands went flying in the air and a lady stepped forward with a baby on her back stating that she was deaf in her left ear. Herb told me that this is going to be awesome when she gets healed and gives a testimony that she can hear in her ear.
I loved hearing his faith so I stood in agreement with him as we all began to pray.
We laid hands on her and she was healed. Her left ear was opened up and she testified that she could hear.
What a miracle.
Our team began to flood the audience and pray for the sick. I panned the audience and right
before my very eyes was the boy that I had seen before with the blind right eye. I told Herb who was close to him to grab him and bring him forward.
I put my thumb over his eye and called complete healing over his eye. I cried out
to the Lord for this boy and as the translator spoke to the boy he said
that he could not see out of his eye before but now he could see.
The boy was healed and we had him share to the audience.
I was completely at awe at Gods power and praised him with all of my
soul for allowing me to be a part of His power.
Throughout the night a baby was healed from lung problems,
three people who could not bend their backs were touching their toes and
jumping in the air and numerous head pains were completely healed.
The night was completely divine and I praised God for
everything that He did. I drove back in the truck bouncing up and down with the biggest smile on my face.
Was this really real what happened?
God is so real and alive and I know that this is
just the tip of the iceberg. I know that God is
about to really break free and hundreds to possibly
thousands are going to come to know His saving Grace.
God Bless.
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