Still not convinced that God heals? Or, that he wants to heal you? Maybe you’re like me, and sometimes think that this little taste of the miraculous is only for the spiritual elite, not those of us who struggle to hover over the chaos in our lives.
The truth is that healing is a mystery. Sometimes, it happens; sometimes, it doesn’t. Even Jesus couldn’t heal where there wasn’t enough faith. Yet, it didn’t destroy his ministry or his theology. He just moved on.
I’m wondering if America has become a modern-day Nazareth, full of narrow-minded views of who God is and what he does. After all, we’ve grown up with him – we know the normalness of the Christian life, and this teaching is, well, a hard one.
We’ve grown bankrupt in the faith department, and we create new paradigms to explain why the miraculous no longer seems possible. When ministering, many of us do not even consider it as a viable tool that God would use through us.
It’s no wonder that we need to hear more stories like this one, which comes from an update from a mission team in South Africa
. Maybe it’ll take revival in the third world to wake us up in the first. Because that’s what’s happening.
By: Erin Tausch, Grace Community – Tucson, AZ
Lauren and I have been visiting this woman named Elizabeth once or twice a month with Auntie Matilda since last semester. She is a sweet older lady who has diabetes and has been blind for about a year and currently lives with her mother. Every time we see her we pray for her eyesight to come back. and every time we leave, seeing no change.
Last Tuesday Lauren, Auntie Matilda, Lauren’s dad (who is visiting) and I went and saw her again. When we approached her, Lauren and I both noticed something different about her, and continually told her she looked exceptionally beautiful today.
Matilda started talking to her and told her we were going to pray again (in my head thought, “Gosh, this poor woman is probably sick of prayer, because we have done this for six months and nothing has happened”), but when Matilda said that, Elizabeth responded with, “You don’t have to pray – I can see! I can see you, and you, and you, and you.”
She pointed to each one of us and started describing things! We were stunned! Apparently she had waken up one day and regained her sight.
She was praising God for her sight, and Matilda busted into a huge prayer, thanking God for what he did.
It was so weird seeing a woman who has been blind since we have known her suddenly talk about all she can see. It was awesome! God is so good and it was a huge reminder that God does answer prayers and that he is powerful.
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Surely, revivals in Africa would waken up a people who are so blessed that they take God for granted and dont believe in the miraculous because they dont see them.Further, revivals will come from the African continent to America and all eyes shall see them. God is doing a new thing and the time has come for Americans to see this move of God.They will see it and know that Jesus Christ alone is Lord.
2 scriptures come to mind knock and the door shall be opened, seek and ye shall find.Then there’s that parable of the unjust judge, or the nagging woman as I like to call it.Point being if we never give up through trial and error. We’ll break through.
I am going on a short term mission trip to Zambia. This true story helped to prepare me for the miracles that God wants to do as a result of his love for the Zambian people. Thank you for this testimony. I believe that God wants to move through us, we just need to be available. God is awesome!
it happened that way to me, this boy had arthritis so serious he couldn’t walk, I prayed for him and then weeks later, he woke up totally healed… he just couldn’t be still…surely Our God is awesome.
Our God is awesome! thanks for sharing this story.